Topping Mistake

Hey all,

I needed to give my plants a bath and was reading about topping so I figured I'd give it a try. I did the first one and it seemed ok, so I moved on to the next...

I think I accidentally cut off the side growth as well. I found the top growth and went to cut it, but one of the two side growths got cut too!!! Is this bad? Should I re-top it on the next lower node? Will this still produce 2 main buds? Any help appreciated!


Active Member
If you cut a side branch along with the main stem, I would go ahead and top lower. You've got nothing to lose but height, which will in turn create a sturdier base for your buds to hang on.

No worries...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I needed to give my plants a bath and was reading about topping so I figured I'd give it a try. I did the first one and it seemed ok, so I moved on to the next...

I think I accidentally cut off the side growth as well. I found the top growth and went to cut it, but one of the two side growths got cut too!!! Is this bad? Should I re-top it on the next lower node? Will this still produce 2 main buds? Any help appreciated!
Got any pics:-P
LOL, don't you all wash your plants every few days to get the smell off?? lol, j/k My plants had some saw dust on the leaves and I didn't want that blocking the light so I washed the leaves. I'll post some pics when I get some batteries for the camera ;p


Global Moderator
Staff member
Ok, I understand now - I thought there might be a growing technique out there I had not heard of.
*Snickers* Thats funny.
Hey all,

I re-topped my plant and something crazy happened! lol. So, normally the nodes alternate in pairs until flowering right? Well, after the second topping, the two growths started getting bigger as expected, but then a side growth popped in where the pre-flowers are and is starting to grow perpendicular to the growth. I really wish my camera didn't break! I'll try and get some pics up. Is this typical of toping? The other plant is not doing this, nor is the other main growth.



Active Member
I'm a bad topper, mostly grown bagseed so I speck it dont matter, but for the proper advice even coming from one that will pinch a top quick than you know what just to smoke it, don't do it. They grow better pretty much left alone


Well-Known Member
some limbs will grow straight out instead of going upwards, this is because that particular limb will substantually smaller and will have to grow out from getting sun blocked by the fan leaves of the taller limb, you must have topped it on right above the first single blade true leaves, i had a plant that i was experimenting with that i trimmed the first single blade true leaves in half and one stem grew out first then another smaller limb came out when it had enough room to squeeze through a few days later, it grew straight out untill it got out from underneeth the shade of the first one. it was like i topped it, its like a Y split but one limb is way smaller, just a little miss-hap, when it gets a lil longer you can chop it and clone it and just have one main stem again, but the stem wil be a little crooked or bowed

Mr Bomb

Active Member
Retop lower to add more support to the plant later. Under the circumstances I think its important to give it a try.
Sorry for the blurry pic, but it's the best I could do. Where there's that X looking thing at the base of the Y is the new growth. It's growing out from where the pistols are , but perpendicular to the current growth ;D igrowdro, is this what you were talking about?

