Toquer's Grow


Active Member
Okay so I'm going to give a virtual tour of my place as best I can. This is my third location and I hope to be able to keep this place up and running for several years. We moved into the empty warehouse in October of 2013. It had an old 100A panel but sufficient 3-phase power in the building in the front so it did require electrical work. I look for buildings with 3-phase power because it is cheaper and the load that can be run looks much less suspicious. I am in an industrial section of town.

So for my operation we run a perpetual sea of green. We harvest 36 plants every other week and put 36 new plants in their place.

Veg is 16' x 16' and runs about 7000W between T5's, and 400W&600W MH.
Clones are put into RootMakers where they are in early veg for about 2 weeks. They are topped in this stage and then transplanted to 4" pots.

In the 4" pots I am looking to get 3 to 5 arms per plant which I will use a variety of pruning techniques to establish an even canopy across the 36 plants which make up a run.

From there they are put either into a 3 or 5 gallon fabric pot and vegged until the right height and the proper amount of root structure. Once they are ready they are sent into flower.

Our flower room is 14' x 40' and runs 16 - 1000W bulbs. We use a combination of dual spectrum and standard HPS bulbs in Magnum XXXL hoods.

Our room sits at a rather tight temperature range of 72F to 77F. They have fresh air intake periodically and I run ozone continuously. Dehumidifiers sit in the corners to reduce relative humidity and keep it between 40% and 50%. A 5 ton portable as well as a 2.5 ton minisplit keep the environment dialed in exactly. We will be burning CO2 very shortly, I just haven't had a chance to implement that system.

Plants are watered/fed by hand and looked after daily. Leaves are taken off as necessary throughout flower, but the majority of the work has been done ahead of time so that flower is a matter of just maintaining a well built plant. Foliar sprays are used a few times a week all the way up to the week before flower. It rains in veg almost daily.

Now what might I be using to produce this beautiful crop? Currently we are using Progress Earth's Vortex Brewer and Compost Tea. We also use Sunleaves guano's to brew 2 other teas. Our soil is VermiFire. Our foliar product is compost tea. Our bloom booster is compost tea, our finisher is compost tea. Other than compost tea they are fed de-chlorinated water. Our entire system is based on the soil and the compost tea brewer. For clones however, I am using tap water. They don't ever get watered, they just get sprayed with fresh tap water on a daily basis. I found that using the city water maintains a sterile environment for my clones and I have nearly 100% rooting success at this point.

So how is my yield and the quality? Well I provide one shop with a regular supply of 2lbs every week. This is a perpetual thing. The crop gets tested and is always low to mid 20%. I've had a high of 25.31%. That was my highest THC content ever. We run 3 or 4 strains but I try to keep that number very low as to provide the crop constantly. I am in the process of building another flower room onsite with an additional 8 lights for flower. I feel that we can handle the increase. It will at least allow me to run 4 strains religiously and not fluctuate which one I grow more of.

So my grow costs...

Soil costs me $1.40 a gallon so each plant is about $4 to $7 bucks
Compost tea costs me $0.43 bucks a gallon so each plant takes a gallon a week roughly, less when they are younger, more once they are older, but roughly a gallon a week. so that's about $6 to $7 bucks a plant for it's life.

72x7=504 for soil
72x7= 504 for compost tea
1350 rent
2500 electric
$4858 a run.
about $600 bucks a lb

Now I've been looking at using nutes, but I want to stay as organic as possible and Aptus has been brought up as the line to try it with. If I replace 1 feed of compost tea each week with Aptus it will cost roughly $500 bucks for the grow...what should I expect as an increase in yield? or perhaps in increase in quality? not sure how to measure quality other than test results in the lab for a higher potency.

My new clones pictured above will be getting Aputs starting tomorrow. I'll divide the 36 into 2 groups of 18 and we shall see what happens. The bad thing is that it'll be months before I have an answer to this question.​



Well-Known Member
Your only yielding a pound per 1000 watt light in bud.
Want to make 1.5 guaranteed and organically.
Want to do 2 per light in the same area? Or more?