Total Newb need help determining sex of plants


Active Member
Newbie here just taking a stab at growing outdoors for personal use. If anyone could tell me, (If its possible to tell at this point), if any of these plants are female I know the picture quality is bad but I will post more as the plants HAVE gotten bigger since those pics. Any input/tips/tricks is well appreciated. :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Too early, Too early, too early and another too early.

Are they clones, same strain? all seeds?

Best bet is to clone em all , wait for clones to root, then flower the lil clones to see what sex they are. Its difficult to tell a sex on a plant in veg state unless its been vegetating so long that is growing bananas or calyx's


Well-Known Member
wait until your leaves start to alternate instead of growing out symetrical. and also u cannot tell what sex your plant is until u turn your light hours down to 12 hrs of light on and 12 hrs of light off, but only do this when the plant is big enuff


Active Member
I would think about re potting them into bigger pots ( If you havnt already ) as there gonna get root bound otherwise.


Well-Known Member
too soon mang, all i can see are stipules

you said theyre outdoors? theyre gonna be monsters by the time they flower, which wont be for a few months because the days just started to get longer recently. atleast where i live that is