Transferring To Bigger Pots In Flood and Drain


Active Member
Currently 16 plants in 1 gallon pots. They are in 2nd week of veg. I plan on vegging for 4 weeks. They are in a botanicare 4x4 flood table. I was wondering could you transfer plants from one gallon to two gallon pots. The flood level is about half way up on 1 gallon it would be a third way up on 2 gallon. There are roots coming out the bottom so it has decent root mass. :?
Yeah - I've done that - but I went to the even larger net pots. The ones that fit the 5 gal. bucket. Even tho' the plants were very well established, they just didn't seem to take advantage of the extra room. When I put them in large pots to begin with, they just exploded. I'd say with the smaller pots, veg a shorter time, and use the bigger pots next time. But that's just me.