Transformers 3 + LSD


Active Member
I'm thinking of going and seeing Transformers 3 in IMAX 3D while tripping. I've done acid several times now and always have an amazing time. I've watched Scott Pilgrim vs The World, TRON Legacy, Inception and such while tripping at home and LOVE it. I feel like I'm part of the movie, so now I really want to see a badass 3D movie.

I am concerned about being out in public while tripping and a crowded movie theater. Anyone here like to trip and go watch movies?


Well-Known Member
never did on acid but like i say all the time "fuck everyone". if ur not a cop i dont really care if i come in stanking like weed, laughing uncontrollably on shrooms, or throwing up drunk. go have fun and do your thang

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I like to do it... I wouldn't go to Transformers 3 though... waste of acid I'd think..

I predict over done conversations that just bore up the movie, and then a ridiculous amount of CG graphics for all the fights... Your eyes probably wont know what they're looking at 60% of the time :lol:

That being said I've seen TRON: Legacy, & Avatar both in 3d on some really good acid. The thing about those movies is the plot is actually REALLY cool and really trippy if you think about it.

But hey if theres nothing else coming out, then fuck it go for it.

I reccomend sitting up somewhere near the front, it lets you be loud and laugh a lot without the WHOLE theatre hearing you!

Plus it adds a little more intensity because the screen really fills up those 3d glasses.

I recommend you bring pop rocks ;)

ps: good on you for watching Scott Pilgrim! I watched that on my wide screen TV on 4 hits of some really strong needle point.

The colors in the movie are baller, all the sets match colors with the character costumes. Makes the visuals so awesome.

I could see the colors DRIPPING from Ramona's hair... drip...drip...drip...


Well-Known Member
I went to see I Am Legend On Black cap shrooms lol NEVER AGAIN. That was the freakest 2 hours of my life. We came out the moving thinking those shits were gonna chase us down the highway it was a fun experience but da,m....

heir proctor

New Member
Pop Rocks!!

But yeah I agree with Verde, the amount of "hollywood" that Transformers will surely be over flowing with, I personally wouldn't be able to tolerate.

I don't know where I read this, but someone, somewhere was saying they went to the theaters and sat in the very front, close to the screen and sat watching the crowd (I guess they were in the shadows or something) I think that would be more entertaining, especially in a 3d movie where everyone is trying to dodge shit hehe.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Pop Rocks!!

But yeah I agree with Verde, the amount of "hollywood" that Transformers will surely be over flowing with, I personally wouldn't be able to tolerate.

I don't know where I read this, but someone, somewhere was saying they went to the theaters and sat in the very front, close to the screen and sat watching the crowd (I guess they were in the shadows or something) I think that would be more entertaining, especially in a 3d movie where everyone is trying to dodge shit hehe.
Yeah but you would be turning around to see what all the commotion is about 8)

heir proctor

New Member

It's just a really cool sensation when your tripping. I was tripping last year in a friends room watching his ceiling when he handed me a cup full of what looked liked some sort of cleaning supply. He said eat it but I was like wtf is it? Just eat it! He said. And when I did, the biggest smile came upon my face as the little rocks exploded in my mouth.

Just buy some and eat em while your peaking, you won't regret it.


Well-Known Member
i herd it was good and the girl who replaced megan fox is supposdily slammin, an aussie too which is real sexy


Well-Known Member
Oh my apologizes

Still I don't think she can compete with Fox's dark seductive beauty. Not that I would have a snowballs chance with either... everyone's a critic though eh? :)


Well-Known Member
yup that her, think a victoria secret model as well.....have u seen megan foxes thumbs? everything on her is slammin except her big toe thumbs lol.


Well-Known Member
yup that her, think a victoria secret model as well.....have u seen megan foxes thumbs? everything on her is slammin except her big toe thumbs lol.
Wow good eye, just zoomed on a picture and saw it. It does look exactly like a big toe.. Though the better to hold you with I guess :lol:


Well-Known Member
Dont do it man. It was a decent movie, I guess. It was better than the other ones, but the ending is like "WHY THE FUCK DIDNT YOU JUST DO THAT IN THE BEGINNING!?!?" But...whatever. Lol. Anyways, there are some cool things in there that I believe would be rather stimulating while on acid. Tons of CG like Sr Verde predicted, but not really a mind boggling plot or plot twists for that matter...I would much rather watch Donnie Darko or good ole Looney Tunes. WHILE I'm somewhere I can bounce if I get bored of it. Cause what happens when Transformers turns out to be a waste of your acid and you wanna leave? You're out the ridiculous cost of 3-D movies. :D But to each his own - travel on, psychonaut.

On a side note: In the movie, Optimus Prime meets Buzz Aldrin and Buzz is like "Its an honor to meet you, Optimus." and Optimus is like "The honor, is all mine." I was like WTF? Why!? You're not even from Earth, and you've been flying around in space chillin' on people's planets for years. I dunno it didn't make sense to me.


Well-Known Member
I heard it was a waste in 3d.
Absolutely! Nothing needed to be in 3-D. It gave me a fucking headache. I mean, I was stoned, had only one contact in, but still I'm sure I would've done much better without the 3-D. Plus the glasses are always too far down or too far up or too small or just fucking annoying.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
What I hate is when movies are digitally edited to be 3d post-production..... it cuts down on the quality of the picture, and makes the picture dimmer.

Only movies filmed with two camera lenses (real 3d cameras) are good.

They keep shoving these bullshit movies down your throat with the 3D hype though.

Avatar.... Tron... all movies created with the initial intention of a 3D release.

I think you should watch a movie like UP or something on LSD.... what a movie on L. Colors, life... love... clouds...balloons... everything you could want on acid


Well-Known Member
Sr Verde is right. That's why I enjoy Looney Tunes on LSD. The random nature of the cartoons and just the idea of talking bunnies, birds, cats, dogs, etc is full of acidland fun. But get out and enjoy nature! If LSD is in abundance in your area, I could see where watching a movie could be something I'd try. But here, LSD is a rarity. When it comes, you dose hard and enjoy the great outdoors. Nothing beats it.