

Active Member
What up everyone well I have 5 seeds germed in rock wool cubes the mini 1.5" ones and I'm going to be doing 3 of the seeds in a hempy bucket and 2 in soil but I was wondering if I can start the two seeds that are gonna be in ff soil when they get big enough if I can start them in 16oz hempy buckets then put them in the soil or will that hurt the plants are something because I don't have any seed starting mix only perlite and 2gal of FF soil this will be my first soil grow so I'm starting small. Any help would be appreciated


Well-Known Member
So, are you asking if you can transplant out of the hempy buckets later if need be? because you can use those with soil as well as for hydro ish setups. You don't need any seed starting mix..just don't overwater the cups or whatever pot you put them in...seedlings get burnt if they get over watered. Not from the soil itself..I clone and sow seeds straight into FFOF, well actually FFOF with extra worm castings, and humus soil. With no burning as long as I don't overwater.
When I transplant my 16 oz hempys into bigger pots, I cut the bottom off the cup with a sharp blade then transplant it right into my upsized pot, cup and all, with no stress whatsoever. I've never gone from hempy cups to soil, but I can't see a problem,except maybe a little adjustment period going into a different medium.