Transplanted plant...It's not looking good


Well-Known Member
I transplanted my plant because the soil was too wet and was drowning my plant. Do you guys have any tips on how to make it get better? Also, is it going to die?



Well-Known Member
I guess that depends on how wet the pot is now and when they need it again. You have to see them perk up first I think unless soil was never watered.


Well-Known Member
That looks dry. You transplanted because your soil was too wet? Sounds like a watering issue and not so much a pot size one.


Well-Known Member
Its not dry. This is what happens after a terrible transplant of an already sick plant that was not root bound or ready for re potting.
Its fucked ,start again and next time only re pot a healthy root bound(or close to it) plant.


Well-Known Member
That thing is DEAD. Maybe with time it could recover but when you transplanted it you obviously severed the root system or something to shock it to that bad of a state. Its almost not worth keeping.....