Transplanting in early flowering stages



These are my three ladies; from left to right: oldest to youngest. The plants are all about one to two weeks into flowering and i want to transplant them into bigger containers to improve my yield. will it stress my plants?


Well-Known Member
What size pots are you in now? It's never a good idea to transplant during flower. The plant is concentrating on making buds.

MI Dude

Jesus is just wrong. Rock and Troll!
Ty, You will be fine transplanting during flowering if you are gentle. I do it every grow as I sex plants. Usually two weeks up to a month into flowering with no severe problems. It's much easier to do and less damage to root ends if you do it with a moist rootball. Be sure to water in really good after re-potting so no dry soil pockets. I use Superthrive to water in as it really helps against transplant shock. Usually a few days and they take off growing twice as fast. A couple days lost to transplant is much better than a rootbound plant with no yield.
Honestly the title of this thread is something i never want to do in any grow. Beginning of flowing is a very delicate stage, you dont want to disrupt the plant at all or give it any stress. If your forced to be doing this try to transplant as delicate as possible in nice loose soil. YEHAW