Transplanting Question...


I got three babes out in the woods but I found a place that would get more sun and be just as safe a place to grow. The plants are a little stretched, around 4ʻ-4.5ʻ, but thatʻs beside the point. Question is; If I were to transplant them into a place that got MORE sun than their previous grow spot at the height theyʻre at now, would they become hermaphrodites???

Iʻm trying to do this soon so they can get as much light as possible while theyʻre still vegging.


Well-Known Member
I dont see why they turn hermie. I mean I transplant my indoor plants to bigger pots n they never hermied on me.


Active Member
Did you mean 4"-4.5", or 4'-4.5'? If they're 4 feet I'd be more worried about destroying their root system upon trying to pull them up. If you meant inches, then I think you'd be fine. Good luck, cheers.


no theyʻre pretty decent size standing around 4 feet tall. I was hoping to give them more sun before they get into flower kind of like a vegetative state of explosion. Iʻm going to take a pretty decent amount of soil around the root mass to protect them.

Iʻm pretty confident itʻs a good idea. Just double checking my first instincts before I act on them.


Active Member
Sounds like a plan man. After my last post I stumbled across people who had successfully transplanted plants that large. Good luck to you with your grow, cheers.


Question on transplanting....should you give the plant any (no sun time) after the transplant? I did my transplant around 6 or 7 and she went the entire night under a roof, I just put her out under the sun...hoping nothing bad will happen.


Active Member
when i did my transplant i put it in wet soil in the nice florida sun and grew unbelievably tall


Active Member
no theyʻre pretty decent size standing around 4 feet tall. I was hoping to give them more sun before they get into flower kind of like a vegetative state of explosion. Iʻm going to take a pretty decent amount of soil around the root mass to protect them.

Iʻm pretty confident itʻs a good idea. Just double checking my first instincts before I act on them.
Go a minimum of a half foot away from the plant for every foot in height and you should be fine. You have to dig at least two and preferably three feet down. Whatever you do, don't damage the tap root. If you get most of the feeder roots and then don't stress it too much in the move, the extra light shouldn't stress the plant, but help it grow that much bigger.

If you take extreme care you should be fine.


my friend uprooted his plant like 4 times before planting it in his neighbors yard. witness relocation lol. i think he definitely damaged the tap root some. will it die ¿? if not what happens when you damage the tap root?