Tree sized Sativa!?



I want to grow a massive "tree sized" sativa? Any suggestions?

Want as pure sativa as possible, for an outdoor grow...



Active Member
I'm not sure how practical it would be and it wouldn't work for many climates, but Mandala's Mango Zamal has a fascinating description...

"Zamal not only grows throughout the year, but one plant can thrive for many years on the island allowing repeated harvests. It is said that some 'ancient' plants reach a height of 20 meters. Most cultivations are found inland in the cirques of Mafate, Salazie or Cilaos, areas often inaccessible otherwise than on foot. A mature plant averages at 2.5-3 meters, it develops a massive tree-like girth and can yield several kilos of bud. In the past the buds were harvested after at least 2-3 years, at 'real' maturity, but nowadays commercialization has set in and nobody wants to wait that long. The zamal is a very vigorous and resistant strain – features that certainly helped it to survive on a tropical island that is battered by hurricanes."


Well-Known Member
Tom Hill's Haze or something from Ace would probably be my first looks. Then I'd look at Malberry (basically the African's plus some other land race stuff - available on Hempdepot also through a couple other vendors that resell their bulk seeds, you can buy em on Cannabiogen has some really interesting landrace hybrids too.

Sannies shop has a couple interesting landrace varieties, GGG does too. Also Walkabout from MNS. Maybe Neville's Haze?

There are more than a few good potential options out there. I'd probably go with TH's Haze first though.


Mo what is the Malawi smell like? Given the size I imagine u could smell this in a neighbouring state ?


Well-Known Member
There was no smell! When you rubbed the stem it smelled like old spice and basil. Smokes amazing. Just found my 73 micron Ice Water hash from the Malawi trim and my lips are numb! This shit is nutz! The lights are getting brighter...