Triaco-what? It's Found Where? It Does What ?


Well-Known Member
It is for 5 cu ft. total. So total added was way less compared to yours, if I'm thinking right. My analysis from A&M was 483 for K when 125 is Critical level which is minimum if I understand it right. I never looked into boosting the K. The peat moss does have plenty of humic, but I wanted to try something new my uncle gave me. He's a farmer/rancher. I will look out for an excess of either the humic acid or triacontanol.


I am useing ffof straight up. My mix is alfalfa meal 2-1-1 @1 cup. Maxicrop liquid sea weed @1 cap. Brer rabbit molasses @1tbls. Bubbled 24-36 hrs.

I've been watering straight tea and have noticed it makes the soil thick and I only have to water about once a week. Is this normal for the soil to retain water for a week in a 1.5 gal bucket. If so I am thinking smart pots might work sweet with this mix.

This week was my second tea so I will share my experience when I have some for. Thank for the great thread.​


Active Member
If you do a search over in the organics form you will find a post by me that explains the short version of why your soil gains tilth from organic teas.... the myco herd and the rhizobium form symbiotic relationships with the root system to enhance water and nutrient uptake thru increased bio-availability.... as a by product some of these ery tiny partticles start to bind together into little balls held together by a substance called glomulin.... this just make the water hang in a little longer and i have also noticed I water less often..... Peace love happiness

South Texas

Well-Known Member
"Track-a-derma" fungi, it's the shit in Wholegroung/Stoneground Cornmeal that kills bad Bacteria & bad Fungi, not to be confussed with the Tric-a-derma wasp. You can buy the larva of thses wasp, on a little sheet of paper, tack to trees, & they hatch & kill caterpillers & shit.


Well-Known Member
"Track-a-derma" fungi, it's the shit in Wholegroung/Stoneground Cornmeal that kills bad Bacteria & bad Fungi, not to be confussed with the Tric-a-derma wasp. You can buy the larva of thses wasp, on a little sheet of paper, tack to trees, & they hatch & kill caterpillers & shit.
blotter wasps that a new trick lol


Well-Known Member
I'm reluctant extracts from unverifiable sources. This guy has several "growth hormones" that are all packaged and look alike. If I where going to buy and extract I would look for a verifiable source.