Trichome's 101 - Help Please!!

Rudy Rudiger

Well-Known Member
This bud is dinafem blue hash. Seems like it is taking forever to finish. I would like to know what you think. How much longer can I expect this girl to take? How mature is this bud? All of the pistils on the bud below have turned deep red so Im thinking its got to be close. Im starting to get impatient.

Roughly speaking this bud was cut during the 12/13th week of flower. Never expected to flower this long.

So how did I get in this situation? Well it started with over fertilizing during nearly the whole plants life, off and on of course. The max PPM was roughly 1100-1200 during flower, ehh :wall:.

The overfertilization, led me into the idea that if I didnt want to be smoking chemicals, I better do a good flush before harvest. So after looking at the trichs and doing my research, I decided that the trichs looked milky white and not clear. Upon that conclusion, I assumed that in a 2 week flush period the milky white trichs would be amber and so I started to flush with ph'd distilled water.

Its now been 2 weeks of flushing and this is what my trichs look like. The pictures were taken from one of the smallest buds on the plant, which is on the lower branch. The lower buds have matured at a faster rate than the main cola. I thought it should be the other way around, the main cola ripening first and other buds following?:leaf:


Rudy Rudiger

Well-Known Member
40x loupe is primarily what Ive been using. I do have a microscope that goes to 100x. Looking at 100x freaks me out a little bit.

The loupe is what was used for the pics. I also have a microscope, but I really cant tell cloudy from clear regardless of what Im using. I understand how a trichome matures, I just dont have enough experience to recognize the change.

Illegal Smile

it should be easy with a microscope. Clear looks like a crystal and cloudy looks dirty white. If you had cloudy you'd know it. And they aren't near ready until you have some amber, also very noticeable. I wouldn't harvest till 25% amber. Things that slow a plant down push the harvest date back. I'd say it has 10 days to 2 weeks more.

Rudy Rudiger

Well-Known Member
So what should I do now, I have been flushing the past two weeks. Just keep flushing? The larger fan leaves are still green.

Can you tell if the above trichs are milky?


Well-Known Member
give it another 10 days like illegal say. if ur fan leaves are still green then jus use water and molasses u want ur plant to use up the stored nrg in the leaves