tried everything I know ...


IMG_20150109_111045.jpg IMG_20150109_111104.jpg IMG_20150109_111126.jpg IMG_20150109_111143.jpg IMG_20150109_111153.jpg Hey people can anyone tell me whats wrong I've flushed checked run off ph everything is fine checked for bugs and sprayed just in case what could this be???? shes still in veg about 8 weeks old been toped twice and she's a sliver haze ph in 6.5 run off 6.3 ec around 1.8
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Well-Known Member
need more info, like what soil, feeding regimen, what has been done, especially in the last couple weeks. Input iiiiiinput.


soil bio bizz, nutes every 2nd watering, Ive flushed and check my ph was okay check rot zone ph which is coming out at 6.2 after flush so no lock out and ec at 1.8 thought it might be a prosperous problem so moved onto bloom to give it more but problem carried on so went back to veg nutes shes in a 20L pot 600 watt mh at the mo as still in veg and shes a silver haze oh mixed in some gnat off foe the soil and sprayed leaves.


I'm going to buy some Cal-Mag and see what happens just very confused as theses shouldn't be a issue as my root zone ph is within range hmmm


i wounder if shes root bound could this cause that as shes been in veg for a while as i need the others to catch up a bit before i switch to 12/12 as you can she in the pic she half the size of my door already


will do it's a weird one if you ask me hopefully that should stop it in it's tracks reckon i will lose a bit of bud coz of it tho but cant be helped


Well-Known Member
I would lean toward cal mag as well, but do your ferts have them? I just went through something similar and it took a week or so of cal mag every watering and no nutes to see a change. You could foliar feed as well and try and get quicker results.


I would lean toward cal mag as well, but do your ferts have them? I just went through something similar and it took a week or so of cal mag every watering and no nutes to see a change. You could foliar feed as well and try and get quicker results.
Yeah my nutes do have it in

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Calcium and Magnesium deficient.It also looks a little on the hungry side overall I would just up its feeding a bit. Especially since you have recently flushed them. Dont be afraid to feed them.


Well-Known Member
Your tips are not burnt, so you could use some more nutes. The leaves look like brown spots of necrosis, so I would say cal/mag should do the trick. I understand that your nutes contain calcium and magnesium, but you could go w/ 200ppm or 0.3ec of cal/mag before you throw your regular nutes in your soup, so they don't get locked out, while getting your ec to 2.1-2.3. I would also agree with Diabolical, you might want to try getting your ph up to 6.7 and see what your runoff is.


Well-Known Member
just add more base nutes.

i've grown a hell of a lot of weed and never once used cal/mag. if you are not using r/o water you definately should not need to be adding cal/mag to your mix.

i have just bought the biobizz line but i have noticed a few people having problems with it. it has kind of put me off using the stuff seeing so many people having problems.

honest opinion: if they were my plants i would feed them full strength veg nutes every watering until they are fully dark green. then once they are at 100% health put them on 12/12 and keep them on the veg nutes for 2-3 weeks until the stretch slows and they have flowers. that is a haze and will devour anything you throw at it, FEED HER!!