Trim 14 days Into Flower


Active Member
Doing my first scrog and I trimmed a bit a couple weeks before flower but there is still a good amount of budding going on under the canopy where there is not alot of light. I have seen people trim after they are flowering but I am worried it could stress them. do you think Can I do a good trimming on these 14 days into flower with out turning them hermi or causeing other problems? Thanks!!


Active Member
Trim it bit by bit, over the course of a week or two. The general rule of the thumb I go by is to never remove more than 1/3 of the plant in one go.


we are about the same days in flower, I removed a few flowers from the bottom but kept a few right under the canopy, I also kept all the fan leaves, I think fan leaves will not direct any energy from the plants bud production, and might contain sugars that you can not produce. That's what i think, makes sense?


Well-Known Member
Trim it bit by bit, over the course of a week or two. The general rule of the thumb I go by is to never remove more than 1/3 of the plant in one go.
no.........the plant is in stress too long. do it all at once, and let her get over it.


Well-Known Member
go in and rape it once not repeatedly. i lollypop heavy at day 15-17 on many, many different strains and have seen no stress related issues and flower times do not extend.


Well-Known Member
Personally I leave those lower buds... then use them to make butter.
But, it's up to you. Works for me.
If your going to trim. Do it all one time.

GL on your scrog