trimming and lollipopping weeks 6-8?


New Member

  • i am a new grower and am in week 6 (day 36) of flower. this is my first grow and i have 4 1000 watt hps lights, 36 plants (18 Abusive OGs 18 NY sour diesels) in 5 gallon buckets with coco perlite. i am currently watering them at 1400ppms with a 5.9-6.0 ph every other day, NO CO2. my first question is do my buds look normal sized or are they small for day 36? and my second question is about late trimming or lollipopping. i am in week 6 i want my buds to grow as much as possible. I have a lot of foliage so taking away smaller branches and taking down a lot of leaves seems like it would help the plant concentrate on producing more bud BUT at the same time i am afraid to strip them down and put them into shock which can backfire and slow down bud production. also i used Big Bud by advanced nutrients from week 3-6 as stated on the bottle but i was thinking should i keep giving them big bud or stop. if anyone has any advise or pointers on how i can finish off strong please let me know. sorry for the sideways pics

    • IMG_5344.jpg




Well-Known Member
Looks like you could have lolipopd them a little more, I typically do light lolipoping at weeks 2 and 4 of flower after heavy lolipoping in veg, u can still do it now but next time do it earlier


Well-Known Member
i would trim them a bit. it won't put the plant into shock. focus on getting rid of the bigger leaves, like 50%. you can save the leaves, dry them, and use them in baking brownies.

although i grow very little pot, i am a BIG vegetable and fruit gardener.


Well-Known Member
i dont know if any of these guys are serious but leave the leaves, they're there to produce energy for the plant. When you take off a leaf you're removing a spot where the plant stores, and creates energy. If things are set up correctly, fans will make the leaves wiggle allowing light penetration every where. When things are too dense you can low stress train the plant so there is more room for it to expand. Low stress training is basically slowly tying down the branches away from eachother, used for extra light penetration and to increase air flow / mold resistance.

Only reason ill take a leaf off is if it has PM on it due to overlapping other leaves, or if its dying or very close to the bottom of the pot (4-6 " of the bottom of plant is always bare to allow an air channel to go under all the plants. The exhaust is at the top of the room so there is adequate air for all the plants to breath and not mold

having things being dense is a good thing, cutting your plant up is only going to reduce your yield