Trimming Question


Well-Known Member
I’m at week 3 or 4 of flower. The buds seem to be filling in nicely, should I be trimming off any of the older large leaves to get more sunlight to the buds?


Well-Known Member
For me, if they are at all damaged or yellow, i remove them. If they are below the main canopy line, i remove them along with any larf. Once the plants go into full flower most of the fan leaves get removed before they are chopped.


Well-Known Member

Tuck the rest if you feel the need to move some out the way but dont cut any of the healthy fan leaves. They are the solar panels of the plant... take em away and the plant becomes less efficent and more stressed. From your pics i wouldnt cut anything away. Looks really good and happy so far!


Well-Known Member
So, I do. & I know what they say.

I'm in a small greenhouse, so this time of year, things get tight. The plants are close together. The canopies get thick. Airflow gets seriously restricted.

So I defoliate. Ive found on years that I don't take those big fans & small leggy branches... They wilt & mold becomes a problem.

Instead of waiting for things to go wrong, I'm proactive. I lollipop, defoliate & stake branches apart for better airflow. & I feel like I loose less to mold & my plants are healthier. Smaller buds?? Maybe.
But if rather smaller & healthier than chop for mold.

Its Really up to you, experiment with 1 plant. See what works for you.
Also, I think its worth adding, it depends also on where you are, & what you're climate is like. I'm in New England. Fall here isn't very dry.
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Edwardo Ruffian

Well-Known Member
So, I do. & I know what they say.

I'm in a small greenhouse, so this time of year, things get tight. The plants are close together. The canopies get thick. Airflow gets seriously restricted.

So I defoliate. Ive found on years that I don't take those big fans & small leggy branches... They wilt & mold becomes a problem.

Instead of waiting for things to go wrong, I'm proactive. I lollipop, defoliate & stake branches apart for better airflow. & I feel like I loose less to mold & my plants are healthier. Smaller buds?? Maybe.
But if rather smaller & healthier than chop for mold.

Its Really up to you, experiment with 1 plant. See what works for you.
Also, I think its worth adding, it depends also on where you are, & what you're climate is like. I'm in New England. Fall here isn't very dry.
This times a 1000. If your plants are healthy, mold and pests aren't an issue, i say leave leaves alone. The leaves do provide all the energy for life.

you're not removing them on theory, you are applying the knowledgeable you gained and improving your particular growing needs!


Well-Known Member
Rnd7.26.JPG Beginning in the 5th week of flower till finish... beware of bud-rot. I'm in a 6x8x8 greenhouse. I defoliate at week 3 of flower and have noticed internal plant flowers developing. They've grown new leaves and popped buds where there weren't any before. I agree that fan leaves are the solar panels and promote all photosynthesis, BUT, how many fan leaves does it take to support the plant? No one knows. Farmer is against it, I'm for it. My harvest produces strong medicine. Maybe everybody's right. The plant doesn't care as long as it's no longer than 3-weeks into flower, it will reproduce an abundance of leaves that will still need periodic light trimming, especially when the leaves turn yellow and put buds in the shade.
I just hope I harvest enough from these plants to last until this time next year. 6-weeks left.
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