Trippy Movies


Well-Known Member
no one has said Taking Woodstock?????

the film may be boring for some and doesnt bring out a trippy aspect throughout the whole film; however the trip scene is dead on.
I, however, loved the film.
but there is something so magical, so beautiful about that lsd trip scene.

its the epitome of an acid trip if one asked "what is an lsd trip like?"

show them this film.


Well-Known Member
u should watch them all in a row while tripping GoGrow and then redose and go see the new one. i wish i could go see fear and loathing or a scanner darkly in the theaters again. i would love to trip and go see those fa sho.
theres also a movie called The Tripper thats badass. i recommend checking it out too.


u should watch them all in a row while tripping GoGrow and then redose and go see the new one. i wish i could go see fear and loathing or a scanner darkly in the theaters again. i would love to trip and go see those fa sho.
theres also a movie called The Tripper thats badass. i recommend checking it out too.
also on the list for myself is any Imax 3D movie.... I love nature flicks, and the wife can handle those trippin too :)


Well-Known Member
it would be cool to watch movies on a projector projecting on a sheet with a fan behind it, add distortion to the already distorted view


Well-Known Member
I implore you to take the time and look at these movies friends, I think you will like them if you give your self to them, lucy makes these oh so brillaint

Holy mountain. a movie made for trippers by trippers while tripping... or something like that


I promise you this movie is GOOD

and el topo a spagetti western made by same guy, every one was one acid while they made this movie you can tell most of the time if you look in there eyes


some info on the guy behind these movies
Woah man, those look good.

I had a torrent for Enter the Void, yet it stopped half way through and I gave up on it, do you know where I could find these?

El Topo looks particularly interesting


Well-Known Member
You will most likely have to download those movies via torrents. I think netflix has them though... these movies would likely be better understood with lucy by your side at least for your first viewing..... if possible.


Well-Known Member
definately. the first time i saw holy mountain i was on about 6 or 7 hits and it was amazing. thats one trip i will never forget. my mind has never opened up to anything like that ever before. ahhh good times.

purple stanky

New Member
so i watched beetlejuice a couple nights ago on 5 grams of killer cubes
and it was probably the most intense movie i have ever watched while frying i must say