Trouble with seedlings

So i have about 7 successful grows under my belt but i've been having a serious problem the last couple of months. i've cloned for most of my grows and grew from seed twice before without any major set backs, lost the odd plant here and there but always made sure i cloned / planted an extra to count for this. Anyways...

I've been trying to get a new strain going, sharks breath from DNA, and bought a pack from a local store about a month ago. when i planted them using my regular technique they died, tried it again with 2 other packs... same thing. I'm just about to put 5 new seeds into rockwool tn (already germinated using papertowel method and showing tap roots on all 5) Below is how i have been doing it. can someone spot where i'm going wrong or offer any better methods.

1. germinate in papertowel, usually 2-3 days, then put in rockwool that has been soaking for 6 hours in PH'd water.
2. i have an old 2'x1' fishtank that is about 1' tall. i've made a styrofoam lid with a small 13w CFL about 7" above the cubes that stays on 24 hours. The bottom has an inch of moist soil. There no direct air flow so i can get the humidity up above 80% so i just open the lid and fan fresh air in 3 times a day. the temp is a consistant 80f +- 5f throught the day.
3. once the plants are in the tank they sprout and grow about an inch tall but die about 3 days later and won't grow roots. I keep the soil moist and the cubes a bit on the dry side, i'll dip the bottom in PHd water every other day if they need it. I also keep a spray bottle handy and mist them when i refresh the air.

Things i've considered being the problem:

1. not getting enough air flow (but humidity drops when i do give them airflow)
2. light too close and burning them (small buld and 5" from plant... held my hand just above the plant and its not warm at all)
3. cubes too dry (i'm worried i'll flood the roots if i keep the cubes to wet)
4. Should plant them as soon as they sprout (tried this and they still died, the veg room is only about 60% humidity
5. lights on too long (they help regulate the temp better when they are on 24 hours)

Let me know what you all think. hope i can get some plants growing again, running out of my personal stock.



Well-Known Member
The paper towel and baggie technique is touchy even stoners like me have trouble:) I've tried a new method last grow and it's really easy. One glass of tap water put the seeds into the water they will float for awhile so go to bed or whatever for at least 8-12 hours then the seeds that sank are the good ones and the ones that float are trash. Take the good ones I grow in dirt so I put all the good seeds in 1 cup of pre water and drained dirt so it's wetness is just right. Sprinkle a little wet dirt on top cover with plastic and a rubber band. Put under a cfl or flo's is my favorite light of choice the first week keep about 90*F check in two days and they were all sprouted looking like the birth of a much of tadpoles ! Then I would plant each seed in their own cup and keep cover with plastic till the shell comes off the plants.......