Truckers Penis

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
22 August 2011 Last updated at 14:01 ET Share this page

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US trucker's penis amputated 'during circumcision'

Phillip Seaton and wife Deborah have sued for "loss of service, love and affection"
A truck driver in Kentucky whose penis was amputated during an operation is suing the surgeon, claiming it was done without his consent.
Phillip Seaton says his penis was removed during what was supposed to have been a circumcision to treat inflammation four years ago.
Dr John Patterson says he amputated because he found life-threatening cancer during the operation.
The Seatons have already sued Jewish Hospital, where the surgery took place.
The facility settled out of court for an undisclosed amount.
'Loss of service' Mr Seaton and his wife, Deborah, are suing Dr Patterson for damages.
On Monday, Mr Seaton's lawyer told jurors during opening arguments in the civil case in Shelbyville, Kentucky, that his client no longer felt like a man.
Dr John Patterson (pictured, right, with his lawyer last week) says he found cancer during the surgery
The lawyer, Kevin George, said Dr Patterson had never given any indication before the 2007 procedure that Mr Seaton was suffering from cancer.
"He's angry because Dr Patterson took off his penis without asking; without giving him a choice; without giving him the opportunity to check around and talk to other people," Mr George was quoted by Associated Press news agency as telling the court.
He showed jurors four photographs of Mr Seaton's crotch, saying: "You can see there's nothing there."
Clay Robinson, a lawyer for Dr Patterson, said his client had only removed the tip of the penis after he had found cancer.
He also contends that Mr Seaton had signed a document authorising necessary treatment in unforseen circumstances.
He said another doctor had later removed the rest of the organ.
"Mr Seaton is here today, able to be in this courtroom... because John Patterson saved his life," Mr Robinson said.
Mr Seaton and his wife are seeking unspecified damages for "loss of service, love and affection".
Penile cancer is rare, with only 1,360 new cases and 320 deaths estimated in the US in 2011, according to the National Institutes of Healt


Active Member
i really do feel bad for him...

just imagine waking up after surgery, "hi sir, surgery went well, you'll be fine, BUT, theres a little unexpected detail... you see.... your penis had cancer, so we had to remove it."


Well-Known Member
They should transplant a new, upgraded model onto him...say, 9 inches to help make it up to him and the wife


Well-Known Member
He better learn to eat pussy or he's going to be getting a divorce- do you think his wife had been pressuring him to grt circumsized and he finally gave in and they cut his penis off? I would be mad as hell- maybe they'll pay for a full on sex change now

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I am a man, so I feel for him loosing his junk. But in the full story that was not posted he signed a medical approval for any procedure that is needed to save his life.
The Doc found cancer and did what a doctor should do. Yes, he could of waited and told the patient about the cancer. The only options would be to die with it, or live without it. The delay in the surgery could also make the difference if it spread or not. The story states he has had long term issues with it.
Choosing to die, yep it is his right, is also a selfish decision to leave his wife before it it is really his time.

If my hydraulics fail, but my tongue still works I will still be a happy camper.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Well who's gonna be a man and donate your dick to him? I guess I will be the hero.
In my younger days I made a movie or two. Then they wanted someone with six inches and I had to stand my ground and refuse to fold in half.
I have some extra to donate...:lol::lol: ...................I wish...


Well-Known Member
Prior to entering this thread, I assumed from the title that Trucker's Penis was some sort of medical condition I had never heard of previously.

I suppose knowledge is NOT power after all. :shock: