Try OdoBan air, to eliminate stanch


Well-Known Member
Ok so i found this product called OdoBan Air, and it advertises as, "The Freshener That Eliminates Odors". Ive been testing it on all marijuana stanches but one so far(wont be able to test on harvest smells until december).

Aftering smoking
: Heres what i did: Smoked one joint in my bathroom to test on closed area odor elimination. After smoking one joint until it was unable to hold, i sprayed OdoBan into the air near where i was smoking, at the door and then in the space between the two.

After 5 minutes(from first spray) i returned to the bathroom and smelt the faintest hint of marijuana. I got a second opinion from someone that had not smokin in over 2+ hours and they smelt no marijuana smell.

Returned later on after 10 minutes(from first spray) i smelt no odor at all.

Grow room: In a grow room with flowering plants on one side behind sliding doors(3x10) and a veg room on the oposite side behind sliding doors(3x10) with a 3x10 walkway inbetween. The bottom of the doors were lined on the inside with a blanket and on the outside with metal and rubber bases that grip to the floor unless lifted up.

I opened just the veg room doors for 5 minutes then closed the sliding doors. i sprayed OdoBan at the ends of the room and in the middle and closed the door to the grow room.

After 5 minutes i returned and smelt the room. I smelt a faint hint of marijuana so i sprayed again the in same places and came back 5 minutes after to smell no smell at all.

Had there been a ventilation system in the walkway of this room then there would have been no smell what so ever.

Opened the doors to the flowering room for 5 minutes then closed the doors. The room was extremely stinky, even from the other side of the door. I sprayed OdoBan again at the ends and in the middle of the room.

After 5 minutes i came back to find a smell of ganja in the area but defiantely not as bad as it was. I sprayed OdoBan again in the same places and came back in another 5 minutes to find the faintest hint of ganja in the air. Sprayed again and came back in 5 minutes to find no smell.

Has anyone else tried this spray with the same success?


Well-Known Member
what i used was called OdoBan Air. It was Eucaliptis and 60(different) flower smells. came in a lil 12oz bottle. i cant check when i get home

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
I just created a very large---20 gallon ona bucket air cleaner-we will see how it works. My five gallon works well for a day then it needs a refreash and stir--might have to try putting a bubbler in the bottom and see if that helps. If the 20 gallon set-up doesn't work--i'll have to go to the ozone solo.


Well-Known Member
I just burn Tibetan incense, my whole place smells like it even when it is not burning. Even weed does not linger like my incense. If I smoke weed and burn the incense after a few minutes of not smoking the incense overpowers the smell. In fact I'm gonna light one now before I doze off. Good night guys :peace:

Here is my peeps:


Well-Known Member
Is there only one incense or many? which one do you burn?
Ack my phone woke me up and my RIU addiction drew me back to my computer. There is a wide selection of incense, the smell is not like any store bought incense it is more heavy and "musky" is a bad word for it but the only one I can think of. The sticks are solid incense with no stick in the middle so you have to use a bowl of rice or special burner to hold them upright. I burn a lot of different types depending on my mood. I would recommend buying only one box to see if you like the smell as it is rather unique. Start with regular sandlewood or monastary incense not some of the more exotic so that you get a good idea. Ok Good night again :rolleyes: :peace:


Well-Known Member
I just burn Tibetan incense, my whole place smells like it even when it is not burning. Even weed does not linger like my incense. If I smoke weed and burn the incense after a few minutes of not smoking the incense overpowers the smell. In fact I'm gonna light one now before I doze off. Good night guys :peace:

Here is my peeps: Tibetan Incense Company : Incense for Meditation, Health and all Spiritual Practices

i used to burn opium scented incense and that smell amazing compared to marijuana i think. incense in general do a pretty good job of masking and completely overpowering the sticky icky smell:weed:

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys---I will try a little---don't want to go crazy. I have also been spraying white viniger around after cleaning with 10% bleach---I try to do a complete cleaning at least once a week. My wife loves candles so she might like the incense.