Trying to make a compost


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to make a compost out of things i might have around the house...but i'm not sure what i should use...what would be some things i could use? eggshells, fruit peels, etc..?

This is going to be my first grow in soil but i want to make my own soil

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
every thing veg. no bone or fat... try to use as much dry like leaves as you do wet like the grass clippings and veggies... throw some leftover potting soil onto the heap mix it up every so a matter of fact should look up souththexas he is a big time organic gardener


Well-Known Member
vegetable choppings,coffee grounds,banana peels work well along with orange peels....stick it all in a bucket or a trashbag..

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
if you ask that then you'll be better off buying a couple sq feet of compost at your garden center, because there are way too many variables