Turbo Klone or Easy Clone Question


Well-Known Member
I use a 290 and it does the trick. but I use 36 misters in my rail. if using pvc, you MUST tap the holes for the misters, not just drill them (10/32 drill and tap about 5.00 at lowes) if not you'll gall the threads on the misters and they will be useless.


Well-Known Member
I ended up going with the advice that has been posted here and got the 27 Gallon Tote. So far its working out rather well. Took some cuttings of a couple different phenos of GDP that im growing. They at first were slumped over right after placing them into the cloner. But after about 2-3 hours they all perked up and responded to the light perfectly. Im using a single strip t-5 as my light. The cloner itself is in a rather cold environment. I believe the temp got down to the mid 40's the first night in the cloner. I actually placed water that was already pre-warmed inside the cloner. I want to say it was 65F or maybe slightly warmer. I felt the water this morning and it is slightly cooler. But the tote being sealed so well and the pump running all night really helped to seal the humidity and temp inside. Theres 2 air stones inside the cloner, i might try turning the pump down at night to help combat the cold. Looks like the cloner is going to work out just fine.

Thanks everyone for the great help and advice!!
Hope this thread will help someone else out in the future.

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Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
If you start getting root or slime problems...
Mix 15ml house hold bleach in a gallon of water and add that at 1oz to every 5 gallons of cloner water and that problem will go away and you'll get better results again..


Well-Known Member
Been growing 25 years all ways used blocks but I got a turbo kloner about 6weeks ago. I run tap water ph 5,9 a very small amount of cem ppm300 works great. Roots on day 5 bye day10 all in pots kick ass if the only bad thing would be the pump remember to turn back on will die in hours


Well-Known Member
right before the roots come out does the stem turn kinda white?.. i can see this happening on almost all the cuttings and im guessing thats the plant membrane starting to draw in water.. then eventually little root spikes will start coming out? I actually had a smaller seedling in dirt that was kinda root bound. So i washed the dirt off the roots and cut them back a little bit because they were starting to turn brownish. The plant seems to be doing just fine in the cloner now tho. I also put a rockwool inside a net pot and placed a seed in it just for kicks. Trying to get new ideas on how to perpetuate the cycle a little better.


Well-Known Member
right before the roots come out does the stem turn kinda white?.. i can see this happening on almost all the cuttings and im guessing thats the plant membrane starting to draw in water.. then eventually little root spikes will start coming out? I actually had a smaller seedling in dirt that was kinda root bound. So i washed the dirt off the roots and cut them back a little bit because they were starting to turn brownish. The plant seems to be doing just fine in the cloner now tho. I also put a rockwool inside a net pot and placed a seed in it just for kicks. Trying to get new ideas on how to perpetuate the cycle a little better.
Yes, it will get thick, bumpy and white. Those are root spores; norally around the nodes. That were most of the hormonal development is. Once the roots start to pop, they will grow rapidly.



Well-Known Member
awesome, Yeah i noticed most of the white spots near the nodes so right away thats what i thought of. Good deal :hump:


Well-Known Member
Do you use the clonex solution?.. I just kinda dipped mine in the gel and let them sit for about 2 minutes before washing the gel off a bit and placing them in the cloner. I dont really want to much of that gel to get into the water and eventually the spray heads.


Well-Known Member
No. It's a waste of money. CloneX solution is essentially weak nutrients. Clonex Cloning gel, yes, solution, no. pH'd water w/ no nutrients will work just fine.
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