Turn away from the TV


Well-Known Member
Heis, you bring up that argument a lot. Not to say it doesn't have any bearing, but it seems like it can be applied to you as well. The pattern of never accepting patterns.

And why do I find the masonic "Compass and Square" in Handy Manny cartoons? Look honestly at the symbols shown in these videos, and then go watch Disney TV. The proof is in the pudding.

Playing the "conspiracy theorist" card doesn't say much to me.
There are many patterns I accept. Natural selection, even numbers, getting chicken pox after being around someone who is sick. The pattern I see here is exactly what I am pointing out. I see a theory which can not be falsified, makes as many assumptions as needed to reach it's conclusion, makes use of interchangeable agency, and is capable of turning any counter-evidence into evidence via the conspiracy. This pattern is self evident and does not require any twists of logic or tricks of mentality to be apparent.

Just to avoid some strawmen, lets be clear on what I am not saying.

I am not saying conspiracies don't take place. They happen all the time and look very different than 'conspiracy theories'. The difference is, these conspiracies are vulnerable to the tools of thorough investigation.

I am not saying rich and powerful people do not get together and conspire against those they see as underlings.

I am not saying secrets are never kept from the public.

What I am saying is that the evidence I see presented in the vid (I only watched the first 20 min part) can easily be accounted for by the alternative explanations I posted. I also asked a reasonable question of how we distinguish benign coincidence from intentional malice. I do not think these are ridiculous standards to expect from an investigation. Rudimentary critical analysis is a staple of any research which seeks to deliver accurate answers, it's hardly 'playing the conspiracy card'.

As for why you find symbols in Disney cartoons and such, I think that is a illegitimate question to ask. My problem is not with the inquiry, but with the conclusion the vid posits, and that problem is simply that it is poorly reasoned speculation pretending to be considerable evidence.

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
TV is one of the worst venues of influence on Planet Earth. The Tube is laced with mostly bullshit and lies and without advertisers there would be NO TV. This is very important to remember in anything; who is supporting the media that is teaching my children? Where the fuck is the money coming from? When you dissect the true nature of Advertising, those who want to sell you their product will do almost ANYTHING to get you hooked.

For instance: when the school shooting took place in Connecticut, our entire Country was in an uproar!! People were PISSED! They wanted answers, NOW! The first thing that hit the media was, GUN CONTROL! Guns are the problem! Then Hollywood started to step in with actors supporting some kind of gun legislation, and those who stood behind Obama were many of those Stars or people who give us the movies we like. But even the most valiant actor, who wanted children protected, they step up to the BIG SCREEN with blazing guns and bullets, killing everything is sight! Why? Because this is what America wants! The dumb fucks in this Country don't see that Video Games and TV are feeding the violent nature in people, NOT GUNS.

Don't get me started on I-PHONES! Women can't turn these damn things OFF, and they wonder why they can't keep a good guy in their clutches! Fuck the Text Message! Fuck the Email! Fuck the Internet! Throw the fucker in the garbage and HUG YOUR MAN WITH NO INTERUPTIONS! Social Media has created Relationships that hinge on the next "Feeling", not the REAL ANSWER that comes from face-to-face interaction.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member

Youtube and Wiki links.Click,copy,paste inbetween *'s in your y/t search bar.

kS5qREISS-Q*IgvqZixAzm4*x2djAr5G2Ds*e1CWBKRWIg0(if U
jKKQXjRU4Cg*wiki/Victoria_(mythology)(not 4 U
If U cannot glean? Not 4 U*2pw13F7ahjY*OTEX38bQ-2w*GOb92R34jxo
Click,copy,paste inbetween *'s in your y/t search bar,and yes we are in a car.


Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
The grey part is the part who has given away their power to the black part. And the black part currently manages to rule the world through force and deception.

And the point of it all isn't even to rule the world. Co-operation and harmony is all I seek.
Regardless, what the hell are we supposed to do about something we can do nothing about? It seems pointless to increase awareness of something we can't do anything about.

Why not help people become aware that smoking cigarettes is bad for you? Oh shit... wait, we can see just how well that is working out for the mass populace.

It's good information, i give you that... but it can be explained so much more simply, with much less conspiracy theory behind it, and it goes something like this;

The wealth in the world has been controlled by a select few people, the people who are wealthy... want to continue to live that way and pass it down to their children, and their children, and their children etc. etc. The only way to insure this happens, is to insure that poor people stay poor, and rich people stay rich. Those who have the money, already have the power, those who have the power control who they share that power with... in which, they will only share that power with those of whom they can control. This has been going on for thousands of years, and nothing can stop it.

Telling people about it, will change nothing...

Nothing will change, until people want to change... and even then, who's to say that our efforts will even be noticed? Remember those protests around the country a year or so ago, increasing awareness that the banks are the crooks, that people want more freedom... remember those? What were they called, some kind of anon press or something, shit i can't even remember, and that's the fucking point... it solved NOTHING.

Mister Sister

Active Member
Then don't do anything Zae. While you're sitting back saying "well we're fucked" I'm going to at least try. I don't care if it's for nothing, I can still say I did my best at the end of the day. Certainly nothing will change if nobody is doing any changing.

The reason I like the videos is because they provide examples for people to see and identify with. I agree that the whole thing could be condensed, though. Why don't you make a video?

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
The reason I like the videos is because they provide examples for people to see and identify with. I agree that the whole thing could be condensed, though. Why don't you make a video?[/QUOTE]

I assume you are talking to me.It is condensed.The videos say it much better than I can.

Next time you see a regular can of Budweiser look at the top of the 4corners world seal.That phallus like profile is a Sumerian false god.

These symbols are in every day shows,dvd's,and national brand products.1)pyramid 2)eye 3)rays 4)owl 5)diamond/split diamond 6)5 pointed star/starburst 7)crown/7 point crown False god/king of Sumer (extremely rare symbol).The tricksters fill us with 1/2 truths to get away with the control they have over us.

Most of the vids on y/t are ridiculous because these symbols would of course be in Harry Potter,cartoons with a secret society episode.The worst is the hip hop crud.These symbols are in everyday mainstream shows,dvd's,and national brand products.These symbols are a middle finger to our faces hidden in plain sight.


God is a noncopereal intelligence of energy in 11 dimensional hyperspace.
Energy cannot be created nor destroyed (science proves this).Where God,
and our true selves exist,there is no space or time.The mere presence of God
in hyperspace is an instant evolution of intelligence with no beginning nor end for it is all at once.Hyperspace is a bottom less ocean all around us.

We are tethered to a modified monkey suit from an evolution intervention in prehistory to our DNA(science proves this).When the tamperers left they left something behind.The left behind has a more active R Complex (ritual,order,aggression) in there brain than the rest of us.
The false divine right to control our knowledge must have some sort of check,and balance.I feel if the majority of the populace accepts the reality given to them
then it is left to continue.I say this because we can be easily right this second
get majorly downsized,and repopulate with the kind of people they prefer (more stupid).

Julius Caesar had an adopted son "Octavian".Octavian inherented Julius's estate,and title thus renaming him Augustus Caesar.Augustus had a divine background.Augustus was born a virgin birth thru the God Apollo with a night visit to his mother by a serpent.During the funeral games to honor Julius a comet appeared over Rome (chinese text mention comet),and Augustus proclaimed Julius ressurected.Julius Caesar was deified,and made into a God with a temple built on his funeral pyre site.Cult of J.C.

Click,copy,paste inbetween *'s in your y/t search bar.
wax imago

If you want too see the origin of the stories in Genesis?
These legends predate the Bible by atleast 2000-4000 years.

Check it out,and make up your own mind.People in general cannot grasp the importance of knowing the truth for they do not want to rock the comfy boat,or anger a false God.Amazing things will happen if only the curtain of distraction was torn down.The big problem unfortunately is it has to be us in numbers to do it.

Sit back with a cup of liquid smile,and some popcorn.



eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
God is a noncopereal intelligence of energy in 11 dimensional hyperspace.
Energy cannot be created nor destroyed (science proves this).Where God,
and our true selves exist,there is no space or time.The mere presence of God
in hyperspace is an instant evolution of intelligence with no beginning nor end for it is all at once.Hyperspace is a bottom less ocean all around us.
...this is now in my top 3 'best paragraphs' here at the forum.

...the tethering idea is one that I have written about. Heh, I just looked at the word para-graph in a different light :shock:

meechz 024

Active Member
Revolutionary rap, independent artists speak the truths
