twisting/wrinkled leaves


These were all cuttings I took off a plant that was outdoors and flowering already. They have been in the hydro setup for a just over a week now and the roots look really good and so do most of the plants however the two seem to be growing a little weird. The leaves look dark green, wrinkled, and almost twisting.

The thing that is throwing me off is the fact that only two of the 6 plants are showing the wrinklled twisting leaf thing while the others seem to be fine or even flourishing.

the ph of the water is right around 6, and im using the micro, grow, bloom nutes and also using their calculatior on their website for vegatative growth



Active Member
if you read he said they were clones from a plant that already flowered. the odd leaves are fine thats just the first regrowth after reveging its normal. as for why their curling up like that i have no idea about hydro


some of that doesent look like reefer. ph shood b between 5.5-5.8 get nute lockout otherwise
I'd say keep PH around 6.5 to be safe. Those look like classic rejuvenating plants. I wouldn't worry Jose. Keep the lights at 24 hours and give em N when needed, they'll fully revert to veg and the leaf structure will mature into the norm


Active Member
I had a Frisian clone that did the same thing.. For a couple weeks the only leaves were single shoots, or triples, and some had no ridges on them, some were twisting around the branches, some were just plain crazy looking... I was about -->


Active Member
Hmm, it cut off the last of my message.. I was saying that I was about to rip it out and kill it, but I left it anyways.. it ended up after a couple weeks going back to normal, and flourishing. It currently is at the end of it's first month of flowering and is covered with big gooey buds..

I would keep it, nature will sort itself out!!


Active Member
keeping the waterings seperated, by a bit of dry time might help, but i think they look ok. berts right, nature is a hell of a thing, you may be surprised a weeek or two from now. shiny and curling is better than yellow and curling.
when i moved my plants from my vege box to my flowering box the change made them react the same way. I was very concerned but after about a week or two all the leaves went back to normal and have had no problems since. hopefully its the same thing for you