two computer fans - need help


Active Member
i just went and opened up my old computer for the fan inside. there was two, a small green one and a bigger black one so i took them both out. the only trouble is i dont know how to wire them. the small green fan has three wires, BLUE - RED - BLACK the bigger black fan is a bit more complicated you'll see in the attatched pictures below, its two wires, YELLOW - BLACK going into a casing thing, and more wires come out of that .. TWO BLACK - YELLOW - RED
i looked at this thread
however it doesnt seem to be relevent to the wires i have ? can you help ?
also what does he mean by a 12V adapter. coud this be anything like a phone charger ?



Well-Known Member
no phone chargers are maybe 4,5 - 5 V in the best'll need adapters. the black and the red wires are for the power.


cut the ends of the wires off so the metal is exposed, get some old usb cables and do the same. attached red to red and black to black, there might be other cables inside the usb but dont worry about them.

if you get a powered usb hub, just plug them in and see them spin!
