Two months without any human interaction?

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
Oh, here's something I thought of. The plants will, obviously, grow up during my absence and I won't be able to move the lights up and down.

If I keep the lights at the top of the box (big plastic containers lined with mylar and stacked on top of eachother ~ 5 feet tall) will they stretch so much that I'll come back to thin plants that are burning on the lights? Or will 6 weeks not be enough for them to grow so tall? I'm growing an orange strain its a sativa/indica mix but I've never grown it before.
that would cause lil stems and very streched plants but at half way it might only strech so much but the main problem would be water hmmm. this one a thinker good thread i say


Well-Known Member
For water I would try a garden hose capped at the ends with a few small holes drilled in the hose. That will create a dripping effect. But I think your fighting a lost cause.

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
that'd have to be a BIG ass jug may be u can fill up ur bath tub and run a line to ur plants use it a rez git a pump and ebb n flow it its a longshot

Days Between

Active Member
put em outside fill a huge 100 gallon+ resovoir put a pump on a timer in the res with 1/4 inch drip lines going to the plants. water once every two days for 5min. let nature do the rest.

the chronicals

Active Member
i agree with Days. Don't do an indoor grow unattended for 2 months, there are countless things that could go wrong and ruin your plant or house. I would look into a giant res. with drip lines and let nature care for your plants.


Well-Known Member
it would be really difficult with cfls because of the distance and the amount of water, but dont give up dude, keep brainstorming.


Active Member
Due to the safety issues, I'm not so sure anymore but just in case...

If the entire box is coated with mylar, no light light is absorbed by anything but the plant, the soil, and the pot...would the distance matter?


Well-Known Member
What you could do is water by " wicking " get a big tub of water, put bricks in middle so plant pot sits above water level, ( just ) get burlap or some material that holds water well. roll rags into " wicks " and drape over bricks. cut bottom off of most of pot, leave enough to hold soil and put on rags, water will wick up rags on be drawn into dry soil. cover as much of tub as poss. won't evaporate

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
yes THESKI is right outside thay would thriv pritty well with a big rez tank with a timer and 2 200g rez tank on a timer...with advanced nuts


Well-Known Member
well since im stoned...

u need a big ass tub full of water.. u need some styrofoam to build some floats that your pots will fit on

put the lights right above the plants. use a pump to pump water up to the plants (drip system)

as the plants drink water they will float lower in the rez thus moving them farther away from the lights which will counteract their growth.

cross your fingers


Well-Known Member
If the plants get diseased or colonized by pests you are SOL unless you have a friend to babysit for you. There is no way you can do it if the plants get sick.

I can think of a system to solve lighting height problems, flood problems, and nutes... but nothing in the event of illness.


Well-Known Member

I do it myself. Though my trips are from overnight to 2 weeks.
I have a control system that takes care of the watering (4 zones), the CO2 shots and lighting. I also have a web cam hooked up that I can turn on/off from the road so I can check and adjust the watering as needed.
I do this kind of stuff for a living, so I have the items, and software. Its not a cheap deal, but awfully customizable.

I'm *sure* there are more low-tech ways out there But in 2 months the plants are gonna grow a bunch and the watering is going to vary a bunch I'd think.