Two week old

Cheech Bong


First off are you growing in soil? The more you can tell us about your environment the better we can help you..... Also if you have pictures that would be awesome.

The first thing I am thinking of is that it could be burnt due to the temps or even nute burn if you have added nutes. Your plant could also be under-watered......

So tell us a little more about the whole grow and lets see if we can't help ya out.


It is grown in soil and is under a fluorecent light and has a small fan on it and is 2 weeks old and got left out in the cold for a couple hours the night before


Active Member
just as a quick fix you can take a straw and cut it up the side and at the same length as the bottom leaves and so it can stick into the soil like a 1/8 inch so its like a crutch but its no permante fix


Well-Known Member
thats a long way away, are they t5's? cuz even t5's should only be 3-4 inches from the top max. normal flouro's an inch or 2 max.


Well-Known Member
its stem at the bottom near the soil is turning brown and it is falling over

What do i do????
Not what you do, what you did.

Sounds like stem rot and it will more than likely, die.

Next time, don't be so happy with the watering can.
