Two weeks old


Active Member
yeah i pretty much just check every new post and try to answer everyone that i can, mostly i just dont have shit else to do ... :'( haha


Active Member
i got 3 15watt flourescent lights 1 85watt flouro and 1 mercury blend 160watt
will this do the job?its my first time using artificial light.Plants look fine though five of them.


Well-Known Member
dude ive grown my plants under atleast 5000 lumens 2 27 watt fluro it will grow but not as fast as you would want it get atleast 4 or check out the 105 watt bulbs on this website Light Bulbs at - Compact Flourescent, Halogen, LED, Energy Saving Bulbs cheapest ive seen on the net and you get 6900 lumens out of 100 watt fluro and 1 of these or 4 your current lights would get you moving faster more lumens more life but your lights you got would work all up too you man.. peaceebongsmilie


plz help plants r in veg the ec is 1.0 ph 5.6 and im using the a and b mix what should the ec b and what do i do help first time grower emmap


Active Member
hi why use 2 florescent lights? is 1 enough? ive got 2 sprouts bout 9 days old an ive been using 1 15w flourescent they bout over an inch...


try using a higher watt bulb for CFLs then you wouldnt have to use more lights to get beter amount of lumens