U.S. Supreme Court: State Medical Marijuana Laws Not Preempted by Federal Law


Well-Known Member
U.S. Supreme Court: State Medical Marijuana Laws Not Preempted by Federal Law

Medical marijuana case appealed by the City of Garden Grove was denied review today

Washington, DC -- The U.S. Supreme Court refused to review a landmark decision today in which California state courts found that its medical marijuana law was not preempted by federal law. The state appellate court decision from November 28, 2007, ruled that "it is not the job of the local police to enforce the federal drug laws." The case, involving Felix Kha, a medical marijuana patient from Garden Grove, was the result of a wrongful seizure of medical marijuana by local police in June 2005. Medical marijuana advocates hailed today's decision as a huge victory in clarifying law enforcement's obligation to uphold state law. Advocates assert that better adherence to state medical marijuana laws by local police will result in fewer needless arrests and seizures. In turn, this will allow for better implementation of medical marijuana laws not only in California, but in all states that have adopted such laws.


Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good thing! The Feds need to stay out of it too. If the people paas it, why should the goverment or state ignore what the majority wants?


New Member
Personally I think the DEA should be focusing on meth labs and crack. How about all those parents that leave their meds laying around for their kids to abuse? Enough is enough, free the weed..........gardening is good clean fun !!!


New Member
A friends neighbor just got busted with 10 plants. That's right, 10 fucking 10. Wow, I'm so relieved that such a hardened criminal is off the streets making more room for murders, rapists, and child molestors.........


Well-Known Member
Medical my ass, just legalize it for all friggin adults, this is infrigginsane. Its not near as bad as achohol and it would solve or deficit problem in the USA. More money for schools , roads, and you can ease the tax burden on the poor souls who smoke cigarettes and are in bad health, oh ya u friggin basturds in the state and local government are so stupid u can kiss my ass and drink stinky molding piss. Legalize pot and save the USA. Get rid of ALL the politicians and replace them with intelligent stoners. Peace to the world and cops can kisss my asss.