UFC 113, tonight!


Well-Known Member

whos people picks for tonight im going with shogun to win by unanimus decision, daley to tko kos, and mitrione to tko kimbo!


_main card_
shogun wins decision
koscheck knocks out daley
kimbo tko or decision
patrick cote
sam stout

the only guy i like on the prelim is marcus davis and he'll prob tko goulet


Well-Known Member
koscheck gets it handed to him for being an arrogant prick. and lyoto machida finds his range and ko's shogun.


Well-Known Member
haha Paul Daley, what a piece of shit. I guess he's done for in the UFC.
Machida got handled quick. lol
Kimbo....Man what a joke that dude turned out to be. Bad looking mofo but he got whooped up on by Meathead Mitrione.


Well-Known Member
I was devastated by that whole show... But overall a good one. I know some people who lost to much money to be proud though haha


Well-Known Member
Yeah I found it and watched it. What a loser he is now! They should pack him up and sell him as a punching bag!! Hahahaha 2nd round career failure.


Well-Known Member
i fuckin hate koshcheck same as alot of people but what a fucking dickhead daley was for doing that! couldnt beleive it i really fink he could have gone far he was world kickboxing and muaythai champ at points in his career i think? bit more of a wrestling/ground game n he would av been good now hes gone!

hardys been beat already, hopefully ross pearson will win the belt 1day lol theres gotta be a uk champion soon well i hope so neway lol

as for kimbo that was just obvious he lost in a radom internet fight yrs ago to a guy called sean gannon dana gave gannon a fight in the ufc and the guy got bullied couldnt do nuffing and he beat kimbo, he did do much better than i thought tho in general.