Ugly af... but the flower looks pretty

Okay so, this is my first grow. She is a bag seed that I started as a joke, but it snowballed and here we are. To say my method has been unconventional is an understatement. She started life in a little flower pot, under a desk lamp with a cfl bulb, then moved on to eventually fill the bucket you see here and lit by two desk lamps with Sylvania "natural daylight" led bulbs... all while staying in my bathroom. And she spent two weeks in the shed, while I had visitors, in temps exceeding 90° with high humidty and no airflow. Finally, I was able to get a tent and all required equipmment for finishing. Well, she has to finish with the same bulbs but, I do have a Mars 300w led for the next go around. The soil consists of Okie red dirt and potting soil mixed together and I started her on Fox Farms fertilizer at the first sign of flowering. I know she's a monster and don't mind that my research was minimal upon starting this adventure. Like I said, it was initially a joke. I still want to finish her and thought I'd show that, as a newb, you can fuck it up and still manage to come out with a little something. Btw, I even uprooted her once out of paranoia. Any critcism or well wishes are welcome. I'll do better next time.


Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
If you have already bought the Mars, get it into the tent ASAP.
If you haven't then maybe do some more research on lights.
I'm pretty sure that compared to your desk lights, the Mars will be a quantum leap forward...just be aware that there are a few more leaps after the Mars.
I'm aware of the hps and mh lights. Is that what you are referring to? I will do some research on them, but are they really that much better?


Well-Known Member
I'm aware of the hps and mh lights. Is that what you are referring to? I will do some research on them, but are they really that much better?
What I'm referring to is that all leds are not the same, just like an HID bulb isn't the same as an incandescent bulb. In this example, your Mars is the incandescent bulb.
What I'm referring to is that all leds are not the same, just like an HID bulb isn't the same as an incandescent bulb. In this example, your Mars is the incandescent bulb.
Aaahhhhhh!!! So an LED unit is fine, but I should look for a better brand? Thanks for the input!


Well-Known Member
Iam relatively new here, just one grow under my belt. And i learned and researched on lights for months, finally i made a light setup. I will go into details later, in my own led thread, which i have to make yet, along with a grow journal. But for now, forget everything every led light and google CREE led lights. If there is really an alternate to HPS or MH lights, that matches or exceeds them in performance and watts, then its cree, there are other brands, bridgelux vero29 as example, but daddy of all led is CREE. Let me make it simple, Top of the line cree CXB3590 is the most expensive chip. Whic i couldnt afford..... but there is a lot more to it. Its a whole new world and so many things to figure out. LED can be run at different power, Dont buy any pink or purple chinese led lights. Before i finish my reply, i want to what to look in led light, its lumen/watt. Thats how much light u will get,
A 100 watt led light (low quality or chinese leds)if run at full power will give u like 30lumens/watt. Same led if run at half power will give like maybe 40 to 45 lumens per watt. These are all your ordinary light, chinese led suppliers will tell you its 100lumen/watt or 90lumen/watt. Thats false. Whats happens to other watts ? they became heat instead of light. Now Cree cxb3590 is rated at 170lumen/watt. at half power, Now u think about it:hug:

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
What the confusing limited knowledge post above means is that some LED fixtures lie about their fixtures wattages. Eg some claim to be 1000W but only pull 400w from the wall.

Converting a Watt of electricity creates a Watt of heat.


Well-Known Member
What the confusing limited knowledge post above means is that some LED fixtures lie about their fixtures wattages. Eg some claim to be 1000W but only pull 400w from the wall.

Converting a Watt of electricity creates a Watt of heat.
As i said, i will make my own thread, on my setup. I will explain there what i know, but m still confused between couple of things, maybe u can shed some light, Here is my question.
There is two types of voltage, AC and DC, from wall we get AC voltage. But LEDs run on DC voltage. Here is my question,
Running cree CXB3590 at half power will give u 50w of light. This is DC watts from led light. Now from the wall u will be using half of that. for example, i have a led driver, which is taking 30watts from wall, and it runs my led at 60watt. Which one i would consider?
I mean which is the i should count, wall watts which are 30 watts or led watts which are 60watts?
should i call it 60 watt setup or 30 watt setup? if u call it 30 watt setup , on what basis, the light emitted is 60 watts, if i attach a power meter with the led its shows exactly 60 watts at 36vDC, while from the wall iam just using 30 watts.
Now before you say its a 30 watt setup, kindly explain why?
Here comes the cree which is an American manufacturer and top of the line. When i asked them, they said its 60 watt of light not 30. Reason is because AC wattage is not same as DC wattage. and DC wattage changes with the voltage range. AC wattage is less, because we are using 220volts, while DC wattage is more because we are using on 36volts. How do u see it

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
As i said, i will make my own thread, on my setup. I will explain there what i know, but m still confused between couple of things, maybe u can shed some light, Here is my question.
There is two types of voltage, AC and DC, from wall we get AC voltage. But LEDs run on DC voltage. Here is my question,
Running cree CXB3590 at half power will give u 50w of light. This is DC watts from led light. Now from the wall u will be using half of that. for example, i have a led driver, which is taking 30watts from wall, and it runs my led at 60watt. Which one i would consider?
I mean which is the i should count, wall watts which are 30 watts or led watts which are 60watts?
should i call it 60 watt setup or 30 watt setup? if u call it 30 watt setup , on what basis, the light emitted is 60 watts, if i attach a power meter with the led its shows exactly 60 watts at 36vDC, while from the wall iam just using 30 watts.
Now before you say its a 30 watt setup, kindly explain why?
Here comes the cree which is an American manufacturer and top of the line. When i asked them, they said its 60 watt of light not 30. Reason is because AC wattage is not same as DC wattage. and DC wattage changes with the voltage range. AC wattage is less, because we are using 220volts, while DC wattage is more because we are using on 36volts. How do u see it
Im not the man to ask. Post the question in the Indoor or LED section.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
This is exactly the reason why my initial post was ''confusing limited knowledge post '' !
Then your answer is Par.
And wall watts, as that's what your paying for.

Any and all info your after can and will be answered, but its got to be were the people who know it see it. Indoor or LED sections.
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Well-Known Member
Then your answer is Par.
And wall watts, as that's what your paying for. I have 240v so your equations go out the window.

Any and all info your after can and will be answered, but its got to be were the people who know it see it. Indoor or LED sections.
All i wanted to say here was if you want to look into leds, look for CREE leds.
While PAR will not answer my watt question. And plants don't care what i pay for electricity. They do care how much light they are getting.
I have an easy way to see if my lights are good enough or not. Am mentioning here so that other people could do that too.
Everyone has a phone, there are so many apps that uses your phones light sensor to measure lux, The trick is to take your phone outside and face it towards the sun,at noon, my phone showed me 200000 lux, then i came back and checked my grow room, and within 1 feet, i am getting same lux amount, move two feet away it comes down 150000. Anyways that tells me somehow iam mimicking the sunlight. Of course sunlight's intensity is way too much, and doesn't drop like that. But for me i have actually achieved good light. Anyways i agree with you, when i will make my own thread, i will definitely post it to the most relative section Stay blessed brother:)
Chopped and hung this morning. I don't expect to have more than 1 dry oz out of this, but I'll certainly enjoy it. A limb with a couple grams had broken off 4 or 5 days ago and I quick dried it to try it out yesterday. It was quite stout and has an alright flavor, though an almost sickeningly strong smell. I'm not sure if its fuely or chemical smelling or how to describe it, but I know I like it and almost want to gag. Maybe a proper dry and cure will give better answers.20180705_063514.jpg 20180705_063504.jpg