Uh oh, my vanilla kush is in trouble...


Well-Known Member
this is the third i've grown, and i've not had a bit of trouble until now. haven't changed anything either. i did just battle some fungus gnats, but the other plants in the tent are all fine... i've looked at several of the plant problems posts but can't put a finger on what's going on with it. any help would be greatly appreciated...



Well-Known Member
looks like nute burn with the burnt curling leaves, i would flush flush flush. Have you used any bleach or cleaning products to clean anything in your room?


Well-Known Member
thank you for the reply capncash. interestingly, and not well represented in the pics, there wasn't any of the brown tips or edges that i've seen in the past when i've given a bit too many nutes. i've never gone overboard with them. the leaves are green, just withered up. i used sand to help get rid of my fungus gnats, and i'm wondering if maybe it kept the soil from drying out and robbed the roots of oxygen. any chance that could be it? and to answer your question, no cleaning products or over fertilizing. same nutes as i've used on the vanila kush last two grows...


Well-Known Member
thanks wbd and dislex. just purchased a really nice ph meter and it's freshly calibrated. there are other plants in there too, and neither of them show the same symptoms. it's strange...


Active Member
Did you figure out the problem, did the plant make it? Any other signs of this issue in the other plants? found post on search for VK.