Uk cheese 375w enviro grow


Well-Known Member
man,you must be well happy with your grow urban,even the bagseed looks dappa..Good job.

Nice one fella!! yeah am pretty happy mate.. Altho plenty of room for improvement as i reckon i can have each plant at least a 3rd bigger or fit more smaller plants in.. either way gonna try and improve the yeild with the next plants i got currently in veg.. soon as these get the chop they going in!!!


Well-Known Member
Well heres the bagseed minus about a that got smoked in the last week.. couldnt help but keep picking.. Anyways over the moon with the strain and glad i cloned it.. Buzz is very high and long lasting that mellows out into stonedness... cant wait to see what a dry and cure gonna do!!! :)



Well-Known Member
Hey all... Not been about for while.. gonna start new thread!! Had great harvest off the cheese 3 oz and then came the warlocks at around 3 oz too but i smoked loads during the last couple of

Been real busy doing my music lately and had one of my tracks signed by record company so been busy with more remix work as i make house/breaks/drum n bass and the like.. May aswell plug the tune.. Urbanfunk Feat dean raven "All the love" u will find it if u google dean ravens name and is coming out on star harbour record in nect few weeks on itunes etc etc

also managed to build myslef a nice 7ft tall grow thats about 4.5ft by 4.5ft so no more cuboard growing for gonna be running twin 600w lumatek ballast with nlite hps bulbs but for now just got the one standard 600w and just finnishing off the plants in the cuboard...

Anyways new thread gonna be Urbanfunks (Work in progress) 1200w 4/6 DWC SUPERGROW!