UK general election


Active Member
This is funny:

Open mic catches British PM calling voter 'a bigoted woman'

In the US, something like that would cost him the election, frankly...

What do the UK tokers think? Will you be voting? Brown seems like a decent enough bureaucrat and competent civil servant, but he doesn't seem to have a political bone in his body. Boy genius cameron seems to be the opposite....not a whole lot of substance there, but he looks the part. The lib dems seem to be the only ones who aren't totally full of shit, but I'm not sure you would want them running the government.

This is my totally uninformed take on things. Does anyone who will be voting have any thoughts?


Active Member
i dont think labour should be in again, i dont like the idea that gordon brown wants to borrow money to get us out of debt, im not sure how that will work. Wont it just create more debt? Also labour basically controll the drugs advisory council, which is why proffessor Nutt was sacked. Nutt and the majority of other scientist working around him all came to the conclusion that cannabis and ectasy were the least dangerous drug with the least dirrect deaths. Alcohol and tobacco were at the top.

The conservative are, just cunts in general, they seem to be in favour of the wealthier people of britain . Apparently we should expect an extra £1500 taken from our house hold each year. the fact that they are thinking about cutting the NHS is also quite worrying. They are also cutting back on university bursaries and highg school education. They also want to make cannabis a Class A drug , they backed this up by saying that they think it will be harder to get and it will reduce crime rates ( how will it reduce crime rates? If anything it will end up costing more and make the underground market worth more, hence there will be more violence).

Right, Lib Dems :) in my opinion lib dems are the ones. They want to introduce more 'green energy' to our country (they share this view with the green party), this will also create alot more jobs, which hopefully shoould decrease unemployment rates. After all this shite with the 'expenses scandal' lib dems are giving us the power to sack our mps if we think they arent doing a good job. They also have a good policy on immigration, they want to create a strict points bassed system, which i thinks fair for everyone.
They also want to get rid of 'the trident', a series of nuclear missiles we have in the uk , which makes us a target.
Lib Dems want to make the drug advisory council seperate from the government, which means that what ever the DAC decide to do the government doesnt controll any thing to do with drugs. Lib Dems want cannabis to made to a Class C and want to alter it abit : they want it only to be avaliable to adults (18+) , they want to develop medical treatment with it, they are going to allow you to grow for personal use and they 'might allow a coffee shop society''.

So in my opinion lib dems :)

check out the parties policies on their websites :)




Well-Known Member
i dont think labour should be in again, i dont like the idea that gordon brown wants to borrow money to get us out of debt, im not sure how that will work. Wont it just create more debt? Also labour basically controll the drugs advisory council, which is why proffessor Nutt was sacked. Nutt and the majority of other scientist working around him all came to the conclusion that cannabis and ectasy were the least dangerous drug with the least dirrect deaths. Alcohol and tobacco were at the top.

The conservative are, just cunts in general, they seem to be in favour of the wealthier people of britain . Apparently we should expect an extra £1500 taken from our house hold each year. the fact that they are thinking about cutting the NHS is also quite worrying. They are also cutting back on university bursaries and highg school education. They also want to make cannabis a Class A drug , they backed this up by saying that they think it will be harder to get and it will reduce crime rates ( how will it reduce crime rates? If anything it will end up costing more and make the underground market worth more, hence there will be more violence).

Right, Lib Dems :) in my opinion lib dems are the ones. They want to introduce more 'green energy' to our country (they share this view with the green party), this will also create alot more jobs, which hopefully shoould decrease unemployment rates. After all this shite with the 'expenses scandal' lib dems are giving us the power to sack our mps if we think they arent doing a good job. They also have a good policy on immigration, they want to create a strict points bassed system, which i thinks fair for everyone.
They also want to get rid of 'the trident', a series of nuclear missiles we have in the uk , which makes us a target.
Lib Dems want to make the drug advisory council seperate from the government, which means that what ever the DAC decide to do the government doesnt controll any thing to do with drugs. Lib Dems want cannabis to made to a Class C and want to alter it abit : they want it only to be avaliable to adults (18+) , they want to develop medical treatment with it, they are going to allow you to grow for personal use and they 'might allow a coffee shop society''.

So in my opinion lib dems :)

check out the parties policies on their websites :)


you are bang on


Active Member
well the conservative's won the election but gordan brown is still clinging onto power the best he can labors rain of fuking up the contry and selling out our culture is over its now the conservative's turn to fuk shit up. in a few days the bbc will show gordan brown getting dragged out of number 10 by the conservative's kicking and screaming holding onto the door frame as they pull on his legs.

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
tis a sad time for our country, worst of all - we dont have a clue whats about to hit us. It was not Labours fault the world is in a global crisis. Gordon Brown is a numbers man and is/was the best man to take our country gently through this difficult time. Cameron bought the election and had the press bought to boot. Propaganda at its finest. If Hitler had the press resources that the tories bought, we'd all have swarsticka's on our arms by now. Its disgusting. Politics is not about personalities, it should be about vision and ability, honesty and dignity. Whichever way it goes now, im still backing the SNP, still backing Independence and hoping for legalisation of our shared herb. Fuck Trident, let our English bretheren back up the Yanks in their greed for oil. Let them take on whoever has the oil. Scotland wants no part in it, none whatsoever. Scotland is happy with our own wee puddle of oil in the north sea. We have great potential to be world leaders in wave and wind power. Scotland has potential to be a great wee country if we can only rid the shackles of westminster. Scotland for Freedom and for Peace


Active Member
well guys , gordon brown has stepped down and resigned (N) but now that david miliband might be taking his place as labours leader, nick clegg from the lib dems is considering a collation between labour and lib dems in stead of the lib dems and tories:)but even at that conservatives will still have the majority so lib dems and labour need to get some minor parties involved:)
lets hope lib dem and labour sort some shit out, and keep the torries out. Also i quite like the name ' lib-lab' lol.

Dr jones, ia agree, GB was a good man but hes resigned now, he had a hard job to do and people critisised him.
I agree, we (scotland) shouldn't have to get dragged into all this oil and war bull shit. It would be good to be our own independent country but it would never work out right :( plus snps drug policy isnt too good for us.

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
There is still light at the end of the tunnel. Ill be following events today closely. Gordon Brown did the right thing. He sacrificed his role as PM so talks could commence with the liberals. Some will say he is being sneaky, imo he took one for the team. Either way its in the best interests of the country to keep the tories out. Hereditary peers and so many Lords, its dated and unnecessary. Id be happy to go with a lib lab coalition as both parties have good policies and they certainly had more in common with each other (and the common man) than the tories.

Someone sometime has to look seriously at decriminalising cananbis. There could be huge benefits to the country. You see the mm shops in Cali, they have to be making the state a lot of money. Certainly where I stay there is a drink problem where young and old people alike, get smashed on booze and trouble is never far away. I dont hear of many people up on charges of breach of peace, vandalism, etc etc following a couple of spliffs. They should ban booze if anything. Our laws make criminals out of otherwise good people.


Active Member
yeah decriminalizing it would benefit the economy, i remember reading something on picknmix's news bit about how much the 'market' was worth , cant remember how much though, ill go find it.

Well it looks like a bad day , looks like labour and lib dem have refused each other... looking very bad, torries might get their deal :( but only if 75% of the libdems agree first, lets hope they dont go with torries.

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Yeah m8, minority tories looking like the outcome in this race. It wont last long, they wont get many bills passed in parliament!

Read today somewhere that SNP goodietooshoes are looking at banning lap dancing clubs now. Legal smoke still seems a long way away with these old fashioned attitudes. Im gonna read your link and see how much it would actually be worth the scottish government.


Active Member
fuck mate, its happened:( cameron is PM.
Really? banning lap dancing :S fuck that, in that case might get a few friends to go down to Durke and Hairs bar haha.

Yeah it will generate alot of money, when you think of everything else that links to it.

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
lib lab never got off the ground. britain is now con dem'd

Only time will tell how all this pans out, not good i expect


Active Member
atleast the tories are a bit more diluted now since the coillation with libdems . I Watched this thing on GMTV this morning, apparently lib dems are wanting to know what laws the public want to be scrapped, did anyone else hear or see this? are we actaually getting a choice?