Ultimate stoner room


Active Member
Can anyone thin of must haves for the ultimate stoner room? I dont mean just get some sweet pipes or bongs, but like stuff to have with you(knives, scissors) and stuff to keep in your room (mini fridge) and homemade stuff. Here is my room:

Mini fridge, water cooler, big t.v. xbox 360, stoner movies, drawer of knives, tape, scissors, homemade grinder, inscents, a drawer specifically for munchies, couple music systems (one for ipod,cd,xbox etc.) lazyboy chair, laptop, bunch of stash spots and since im the only person living on this floor of the house i have my own bathroom for hotboxing bongsmilie and another tv and compuet


Can anyone thin of must haves for the ultimate stoner room? I dont mean just get some sweet pipes or bongs, but like stuff to have with you(knives, scissors) and stuff to keep in your room (mini fridge) and homemade stuff. Here is my room:

Mini fridge, water cooler, big t.v. xbox 360, stoner movies, drawer of knives, tape, scissors, homemade grinder, inscents, a drawer specifically for munchies, couple music systems (one for ipod,cd,xbox etc.) lazyboy chair, laptop, bunch of stash spots and since im the only person living on this floor of the house i have my own bathroom for hotboxing bongsmilie and another tv and compuet
everything you mentioned, with a big hampster-like tube that twists all through your room with the bowl right next to you to light. You can call it the hempster tube.


Active Member
i've got a huge room, not in much in it though lol. bookshelf full of bongs, pipes, weed, magazines etc. couch, desk, couple chairs, fan, wood burning fireplace, cd/ipod player good shit. the fireplace is the best part though.


Active Member
"drug free" sign i stole from my old hi skewl, on the back of my door.. w/ shit me and my friend wrote on it

all weed shit rite near my pc, in a drow @ my desk.. bong,bowls,weed,papers,wraps..

super nitdo!!


blue lights @ the top of the wall, shit lot of posters.. all over, on cilin 2.

GB in the corner, with a home made steam roller..

tape, sizers. knifes all that shit is in my deck..

thats most of it i guess..

stoner room
When I visited this thread it was titled "Ultimate Stoner Room" and showed 4 comments and 20 views hahaha. Nintendo 64 is essential to any stoner room, as well as a good sound system.


Well-Known Member
"drawer of knives" lol i usually try and avoid copious amounts of sharp objects when i get high cuz one minute it's all fun and games fuckin with a knife and the next thing you know its 3 inches deep in my thigh! JK but maybe you could have some oversized pillows, container of lighters, lava lamp, ez bake oven, guitar, box of swishers or papers, pipe cleaners, paper towels and fabreez incase you spill your bong water (cuz that shit stinks), video camera to record all your goofy stoner moments, multiple ash trays, funny posters, trash bags(if your like me things can get a little cluttered after a long day of smoking), incense, beer, spare batteries for your remotes or 360 controllers if they're wireless, COD: Modern Warfare 2, sharpies, little coffee table puzzle thingies to fuck with. Thats all i can think of off the top of my head.


Well-Known Member
When me and 3 friends lived in a house. The basement was turned into the smoke room. 42" plasma, xboxb360 and a nice sound system. We had 2 black leather couches and a trippy persian throw rug..

A low wooden table usually covered with a mag or two. Incense catcher.
The walls were painted with glowsticks and neon paint as we were candy flipping ounce and it looked it'd be fun...
The ceiling has a huge Pink Floyd Tapestry. The one with the chicks sitting down.

Kept a dorm mini fridge filled with beer/junkfood/ help the pipes in there was room.

Lots of good and bad times in that room.....

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Fuck N64, fuck super nintendo, fuck Wii... You all need to discover the joy of NES... been playing since before I was born. Yeah my mom wasn't able to go more than 6 feet from the TV.


New Member
whats is the importance of tape and knives in a stoner room?
I agree, depending on friends, but most people end up fucking with them, and possibly creating tense situations.

Just get a grinder if you're concerned about cutting up the bud?

edit: and N64 and Super Nintendo get my vote for indisputable consoles for this room

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Paperclips! Or a swiss army knife/mutli tool. Be on the lookout for a good deal on a used air hockey table, pool table, foosball, dart board, or rock em sock em robots.

Sr. Verde

I have purple walls that have some crazy shit on them that reflect weird light, trippy blue ceiling, led christmas lights cover one wall with an LED blacklight panel, a 46 inch led tv, volcano, home built computer, logitech Z5500's (500+ watts) and a plush ass carpet

Great for toking and chillin


Well-Known Member
I just need a flat screen in my room and a mini fridge and im good. I got a couch that folds out into a bed a big leather chair coffee table for rolling suround sound speakers in all 4 corners and a sub in the middle. ps3 and a nintendo 64. and all the necessary essentials for smoking.. bongs,pipes,grinder,papers etc..

Sr. Verde

I just need a flat screen in my room and a mini fridge and im good. I got a couch that folds out into a bed a big leather chair coffee table for rolling suround sound speakers in all 4 corners and a sub in the middle. ps3 and a nintendo 64. and all the necessary essentials for smoking.. bongs,pipes,grinder,papers etc..

Feel you on the mini fridge

I need one of those & a safe

forgot to add guitars (electric and acoustic) and a bass