Under the Stairs


New Member
Me and my friend are going to try and buy some seeds online and plant them under his basement stairs. Is this a good idea? Should we worry about mold? Bugs? Any help for a beginner is appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Me and my friend are going to try and buy some seeds online and plant them under his basement stairs. Is this a good idea? Should we worry about mold? Bugs? Any help for a beginner is appreciated!
Can you block it off from light?

yes mold and bugs need to be considered.

clean the area thoroughly with watered bleach or some disinfectant.

Can you get ample ventilation, lighting ect. is there access to water?

These are all concerns for growers

Ohh and number one: is it secure from intruders, parents, landlords ect


Well-Known Member
Hey dude welcome. Growing under the stairs sounds like a great plan.
You should order some seeds online, start a journal and get something going quick!


New Member
Well, I don't think his parent go in his basement a lot, so that's not really a problem. I haven't seen the area in a long time so maybe when I get the seeds I'll check it out.

What kind of light should I use? Would a regular 50W light bulb work? Can we use those energy efficient bulbs?

I'm definitaly starting a "log" so other can monitor w/ us and give us help.


Well-Known Member
Well, I don't think his parent go in his basement a lot, so that's not really a problem. I haven't seen the area in a long time so maybe when I get the seeds I'll check it out.

What kind of light should I use? Would a regular 50W light bulb work? Can we use those energy efficient bulbs?

I'm definitaly starting a "log" so other can monitor w/ us and give us help.

Good luck and please Utilize the search feature, so much useful info has already been post.
read the sticky threads in the beginner area, as well as the grow faqs https://www.rollitup.org/view.php?pg=faq


Well-Known Member
Well, I don't think his parent go in his basement a lot, so that's not really a problem. I haven't seen the area in a long time so maybe when I get the seeds I'll check it out.

What kind of light should I use? Would a regular 50W light bulb work? Can we use those energy efficient bulbs?

I'm definitaly starting a "log" so other can monitor w/ us and give us help.
dude if they go in there alot or not they will follow their noses once plants are in full flower... it might not be your ass but it will be his.. if his parents dont smoke dont grow there.. this reminds me of a thread where somekid wanted to grow in his tree house no joke... split an apartment and do it right.. good luck

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
Well, I don't think his parent go in his basement a lot, so that's not really a problem.
I guarantee they'll start going down there a lot more often when they begin to wonder where the hell that skunky smell is coming from. This will not work. Think of something else.


Well-Known Member
.. this reminds me of a thread where somekid wanted to grow in his tree house no joke... split an apartment and do it right.. good luck
HAHAH that might of been me... before i relized growing on your parents property is retarted... now i just wait for summer so i can grow off in the bushes somewhere. :leaf::-P


New Member
We may try doing it in his shed at the back of his yard. And I'm only 16, I can't buy an apartment.