Under water and two hot... help...


Well-Known Member
ok so here is the situation, my friend is growning some weed and she is apparently stupid, she has no idea how to water the plants and she thinks they need to be hella hot. tonight it was 90 degrees in the room with the plants, and the plants were really dry. My question is if the plants aren't dying after 3 weeks of this treatment what are the possibilities of these plant actually surviving and maybe producing buds?

They are still alive, but they haven't been growing they are still about the same size they were when she got them.

any ideas on these details.

by the way the plants have had 7 cfl lights on them the whole time and a heater the whole time, and a fan. they have been givin fish fertalizer and some b1 to try to help with the plants other then this they haven't gotten much else.
any help would be great thanks.


Well-Known Member
Well 90 isnt TOO extreme and wont kill a weed plant

however please tell her to take the heater off.. An optimum temp would be 80-85.

How tall are the plants and how big are the pots? They may not have room to grow more roots. Also the high temp is probably stunting them some too

Your best option is to show her this website. Chances are she'll do a little bit of reading to start then get addicted like the rest of us


Well-Known Member
i would love to show her this site but she doesn't have internet and i printed out some information for her on growning and she has still messed it up some how... i am trying to teach her but for some reason she is resistant to learning. im not sure how to teach her with out her killing all of the plants.... is there a quick way to make her learn??? i know that is a stupid question but i am hopefull....
thanks for the help and the information at least i know the temps won't kill them.
By the way they range in height from 3 to 6 inches and the pots are like 6 in pots. they are pretty small plants and they were started the same time mine were and my plants are like 10 to 14 inches.


Well-Known Member
If she doesnt want to learn by research then shes gonna end up learning my mistakes. Both methods work, just one is more costly :)