Undercover cop theory


Well-Known Member
I was toking up earlier and some thoughts came into my mind. When don't they :blsmoke:. As a drug dealer, it's impossible to stay in business and not get caught. When you start a few people may buy from you every week. But the simple concept that word spreads fast, your eventually going to run into an undercover or rat.

It could be the guy you met at the bar and you hook him up with a connect.. But it isn't hard for an undercover to get into the trade. Once in they'll target the source taking people under one by one.

I believe in only way not to not get aimed at is to stay with only known customers. Avoiding contact all the way with any number of people. With an expanding business comes the inevitable crackdown of the cultivator... What do you guys think?
When i harvest my plants i only sell to a couple of my close friends and keep it for my self. i let my friends sell my shit but i pretty much stay out of it. i have never been caught for selling.


Active Member
It could be the guy you met at the bar and you hook him up with a connect.. But it isn't hard for an undercover to get into the trade. Once in they'll target the source taking people under one by one.
It's not hard when people roll like a tire. If everyone could keep their fucking mouth shut, nazi law enforcement officials would have a much harder time, unfortunately, people crack.


Active Member
The best way not to get caught is simply not to sell, just enjoy the fruits of your own labor. But I use my friends as 'foot soldiers' so to speak. I don't personally sell to anybody beside about 5 or 6 close friends. Anybody else that wants some got referred to me through one of those friends, so I just do the deal through them.

ex: My friend, Mary, told her friend, Jane, that she has a personal connect. Jane wants some good weed for a good price so she decides she wants some of my bud. I will never sell to Jane, or personally let Jane have anything to do with my op. Jane gives Mary the money, who then gives it to me (in some separate, private location). Then Mary is responsible for getting the 'delivery' to Jane safely. Jane never really knows exactly where the bag came from.

This way, if one of my friends ends up tipping off a narc, it's them that has to deal with it. They'll be the one that actually does the deal, and I won't get put in jail for decades over somebody else's carelessness. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
The best way to sell is to only sell in bulk to one person.

That dealing shit is for kids.

You need to find bigger fish.


Well-Known Member
Keep it Real....& never deal..... there are laws against it.....
Be a good American, pay your taxes, trust government and don't exercise your right to free speech..... That's all your country askes of you.... He...He..He... I AM NOT SERIOUS......


Well-Known Member
Yeah every1 I sell to I've known since like 6th grade so I stay away from new people completely. It's been a while now & very few people even know I smoke. I keep to myself people ruin things. I'm a ground hog I dig my own tunnel to get sunshine & I burry up my holes after I leave.


Active Member
my weed = my weed
sure i could sell it and buy a bunch of guitars and amps n shit...but i'd be sober
fuck that, i'll grow my stash and work a job for my non mj needs


Well-Known Member
ok ive heard this question or rather this topic for most of my life, and ive never touched on it. only because the more ppl are getting locked up, the less attention is on you. but i guess what the hell. i owe RIU so why not. the thing is not getting caught dealing. its more so how to prove your not dealing. or rather how to not give them enough evidence to prove you are. if your a dealer your bound to gather some heat sooner or later,(unless its like some kind of one time deal) so u have to know how to make chess moves. dont do stupid shit for one, like making it hot wherever your selling. (dont shit where u eat) stay low key, if somebody comes at u on some bullshit, settle it somewhere else at a diffrient time. only spend your drug money on non tracable things. as in, fast food, groceries, movies and small shit like that. not fuckin houses, cars. and shit that leaves recipts that the feds can uncover. dont leave the money in the house, and if u can help it, dont keep your product in your house either. try to only deal with ppl u kno, and if not never use a phone. try and get ppl to come to a place of your choice, that way u control the environment, which means less the chance of u getting jacked, and less the chance of you getting arrested. when u get your money up, get a couple of school kids and teach them the ropes and the code of conduct. while doing so, COVER YOUR ASS. in court it'll be his word against yours. and never give out informantion that is not needed. this way uthey are in the streets and you stay low key under the radar collecting your funds. after u reach the amount of money that ur trying to get.(dont be greedy), take ur money and get the fuck out. this happends to most of the dudes i knew. they've been hustlin for years, makin millions each year. and when tey actually decided to change up their lives and leave the street life, it was too late. the big boys came in and raided the whole strip. now they doin time upstate, and all their money, assests , and dreams are gone. if ur gunna hustle, hustle your ass off. don't bullshit with it. the concequences are the same weither ur selling ounces or pounds. go hard for about maybe a year to 3 years make like a cool 50-100k a year, not too shabby. and then stack your money and get the fuck out. and for gods sake don't make yourself high profile, with the fancy ass clothes and what not.


Well-Known Member
oh and 2 more things. always thing they are after u. its better to be paranoid, than to be nieve. and secondly dont ever do business where someone can either hear you, or record you. i.e.( a car, public business, phones, etc.) and try to have your meeting in a diffrient place every time. oh and have another job on the side and use that job to live off of and do your regular shit with.


Well-Known Member
I have one person I sell to occasionally. Make a phone call. Go and deliver it and pick up my dough. Never ever have people come to your house or even let them know where you live.