Undercover cops


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like they are doing their job... I highly doubt all of the underage drinkers they busted were taking the bus home, or spending the night at the house throwing the party.

Perhaps if dipshit kids had enough common sense to not drive after drinking (how fucking stupid is that) maybe the cops wouldn't be there.

I'm 100% for the police busting underage ass. I'm 100% for the police busting DUI's. I'm 100% for the police busting street dealing scumbags.

lol my college is in a city, no one is driving around there..believe me


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt let anyone drunk drive me anywhere. thats a promise i made to my momma long ago.. and i love my momma.

hah i sound like the water boy


Well-Known Member
naw thats good bra dont fuck with the pple who drink n drive.
i wouldnt get in the car either, woulda just called my boy and got picked up.


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt hesitate to call my mom for anything even if its to pick me up on a dirt road butt naked at 3am..

if theres anybody who has more sense than i do its my mom..


Well-Known Member
here cops and undercovers are all over, they bust vatos on my street for parole violations daily, had a swat standoff a couple weeks ago, funny my op is only a couple hundred feet away and no one knows where....


Active Member
here in toronto when i was in highschool we use to have JANITORS that were undercover cops i always knew and would assume this one black lady was an undy but no one belived me untill people were caught one by one i knew the whole time she was a narc