Unity's 600watt OG Scrog


Well-Known Member
Cheers all:)

Just wrapped up my last Blackjack grow and moved right away on to fill my grow space with some OG babes. I got a clone that was from seed a while back, cloned it about 4 weeks ago and kept them under 3 x 22 watt flouro until yesterday when they went under the 600. As I am typing this I just realized that I still have to switch out the hps for the mh conversion bulb :roll:.
Here are some pics:



Excellent. I have the same setup - the waterfarm allows for some serious vigorous growth. I'm interested in trying some BlackJack, but since 420 I haven't been able to search old posts and thus wasn't able to find any of your old posts on growing this straign...what kind of results/feedback can you share. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Cheers Gman ;)
You can find my previous blackjack grow at the above address :)
I can tell you that they like a higher ph between 5.9-6.3. They like being topped but not so much pruning. Overall a very forgiving strain, you will like it :). The smoke is very smooth, great bag appeal as well. The bud smells very good too, not as strong as a typical kush though. Here are some pics for you:

Good luck with your project ;)



Active Member
It took me a while to figure out best time to flower my sativas in a SCROG set up. Not too dense, not too open. How will you determine when to go into flower?


Well-Known Member
Cheers Whiteboy :)
Yeah, I hear you mate. Since this is my first go around with og I will have to go by feel. I would say, the screen about 50% filled. Second time around it should be a lot easier.
The bigger question here is, when do you stop training them. To early and they can get 'leggy', to late and it turns into a carpet scrog were everything chokes out in the screen.

Peace, Unity