Unmanned Grow Bot? I call it RCG... building a robot controlled by wifi to gro

RCG The Future In Unmanned Grow Ops? Introducing my RCG
Imagine a world where you could grow weed on your pc and actually get high...
No Im not taking about the facebook game which ive oddly enough never played I am talking about turning on your pc and remote connecting with another pc inside of a robot that could be anywhere in the world and use this robot to plant, grow, maintain, and harvest plants without ever coming in contact with them directly...

I will post more on the subject later but as for now i have takin an old 97 pc tower and turned it into a shell housing a old laptop, arduino, 12v car battery, electric motors, a power inverter, and a little homemade motor controller circuit that could really use some beefin up... but anyway I will add pics and more tonight I just want to see what you guys think about my idea and mostly for suggestions on building certain parts of this beast that is aprox. 30-50 lbs unfinished... still needs little work... drivetrain, ARM, watering system, and a couple other accessories... but with internet and my skills I believe it can be done...



Well-Known Member
dude do this i got ur back.... ill think up some ideas.... the best part of all this is if the cops bust down the door , who are they gonna lay a charge on? a robot? lol


Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure this has already been made/attempted to a extent along with a ton of the tools to do this already out there. I just searched the first brand name that comes to mind im not saying its a good one but this site http://growtronix.com/store/. Itll control your co2, flood and drain trays, lights, temps, nutrients and make you a movie on the side lines by the sounds of it. So i would just buy theirs or make your own version and set it up with your tower. If you want to go even further and have one that harvests plants and clones all on its own then you just need to find a few of the engineer kids at the local university and offer then some dank for a little help to create a few robotic arms and hook them up to a computer so you can control them from your house with some joysticks from a old arcade machine. One of them is going to need to have a razor one needs a circular saw with gripping action to take it into the drying room. Get a few of those big trimming tables that trim for you and have your robotic arm brush it along the blades and then hang your finished product up. Meanwhile you have robotic arms moving your new rooted clones into their veg/flower room and all ending with a big three armed robot holding a garbage bag open trimming off your dried product and passing it to you out the back door. So you pretty much need to build a mars rover to make it completely automated.


Well-Known Member
I've seen some controllers and such for it but haven't seen much of it used on small personal grows like you see on these boards. If you got the money and interest, go for it. Wish I could have auto water
It sounds like a mars rover with a watering can.

You got it think of it as a army issued bomb defusing robot controlled by laptop complete with night vision cam ;)(God I love night vision), except with internal water res. that can suck water from a nearby creek and transport it to plants all while heating it to proper temps automatically (maybe along the way can add auto nutes by key press), also the arm must have snips for usual trimming and maybe something to cut brush up to like 1" thick*(haha oh yeah cant forget if we have a big heathy male its got to go )* also im tryin to design the arm on a sliding platform to retract inside closed doors for that sleek b2 bomber look but like a swiss army "tank" oh yah complete with tracks made from chain but it has been provin time and time again chain and sprockets are dam expensive so lookin for a couple mountain bikes to jack in my free time anyway... a couple of you seem to have the wrong idea maybe this is in the wrong forum but why bring your plants to the grow room when you can take the grow room to your plants. delocated you reduce risk tremendously, and you can tend your grow room on basically any schedule you please just by pushing buttons on your keyboard... sounds good to me since money/ extra rooms are limited only thing is how would you get wifi is the woods well i am thinking of a battery from a car connected to a power inverter charged by solar panels and attached to my spare router maybe make a low voltage dc timer to turn on the power to the power inverter thus booting router and connecting from a safe distance to router then using a wifi card in robot with a WOL function to "wake on lan" remotely powering up the grobot without ever getting close to it never revealing location by traffic and depending on ammount of the "self contained router boxes" bridged and placed strategically you can safely connect almost anywhere and considering the little bandwidth i predict maybe even "borrowing" a nearby wireless connection if possible but im not to lazy to walk or ride to a spot several hundred yards away from site to control it without involving an actual live internet connection also may make me feel safer :) who knows what uncle sam can (or is willing i should say) do to track or hack your digital trail haha but im not that paranoid no big tymer here just love jane and freedom to pursue happiness plus friends love to donate when you share the love...
oh yeah cant forget the chillie suit skin for camo lol maybe even make a parking spot recessed in the ground to further reduce visibility and hide the tank tracks from site... but I am going to take my handycam and show you guys what exactly i have going on in my spare time its not much for the past 4 months of work but i believe i can get it going before too late this year and i did a lot self teaching and researching and I believe this envolves like 90% of all my skills sets (minus roofing a house)... but its what I love to do I guess Ill go for engineering degree one day if my narcolepsy will let me stay awake in class lol... anyway lets avoid useless nonsense and continue with a little CC 101 and learn something together shall we...
031.JPGSo basically I got an old dinosaur and used the box case for my bot bod.
^^ the white one is the one i used. plain jane 97 windows trash to some, not I.
(also used the black emachines to make a pc grow box that is A dam good try for DIYer like myself only mods needed is water cool attachment i will make for the 100 w metal halide I used and also adding a slot to exhaust fan tunnel to insert carbon filter cartridge... http://youtu.be/GyLaIi2C1ss


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064.JPG I ended up with this metal box bought sheetmetal to cut and attach(bolts now welds later). then drilled holes and attached two 24v hospital bed acuator motors(tho may overheat during long drive times not sure will find out i guess...) then I made a small probably impractical and possible fire hazard type motor controller with an irf640 and p40nf03L (mosfets) attached to a piece of cardboard for testing purposes... that then connects to arduino uno r3 which i programed using a barely modified sample code that comes with the software... and then uno connects to old gateway notebook via printer/ parallel port... now pc can send a 5v signal to arduino but how Idk how to write a program for that port i mean its not like it used to be so i took the easy way out and borrowed someone elses skills. I found a program online WNDLPT version0.2.6 is the name... btw took many hours to find this perfect software just what DR CC ordered. It actually can control in many ways but my choice is to use the arrow keys for movement and maybe number keys for accessories. finally you have to be able to see to drive from anywhere... so I chose an easy fix most pcs can open a window to view the camera And my old logitech cam has that software but you may have to download something else... SO thats great in all but how do you see the screen and press buttons on a pc that could be miles away tucked in a metal box remote connection is how... I used logmein.com and it worked!!!! I controlled It from my home network about 50 yards away motors spun and camera displayed smoothly with no lag or problems almost worked too good it kinda scard me... but let it be noted logmein.com wont work with out an actual internet connection because it uses their servers but with the right setup like 2 win xp pro pcs... if im not mistaken... they have remote servers included in software so i see no reason that you cant connect the 2 pcs directly using ms remote connect but there is more stuff out there...
ok i may be hard to follow here so ill clarify.

pc box ----- motors ------- motor controller(5v controlled switches) --------- Arduino
----------- PC (parallel port) -------------- wndlpt ----------------camera ------------ cam view software
soo.... How are you going to mix nutes? Or get said nutes into your watering robot?
good question ive used nute sticks before but no very accurate dose so i would prefer something like a liquid nute res. With a pump to mix into water res but not sure how to measure accurately without some type of solenoid valve and have the arduino measure how long it runs based on how much flows per ms or 60000ms(hr i think) it should be on the easy side of the design but if you have ideas or wanna help i can give all measurements and u can deside what the best route is but keep in mind i am using as many free or cheap parts as i can (not to shabby at fabrication) but still reliability is key dont wanna have a break down but i can visit maybe monthly or bi monthly if needed but i want this thing to be able to run do its job without breaking plus charge itself for atleast a month at a time keeping in mind i probably would only use it 2 or 3 times a week for an hour or so. Solar panels may be enough charge to keep her juiced up...
May could even use an iv type deal where nute res. pump fills a measured "bowl" and pressure of it being full could shut off pump and then the nutes just run down to water res with gravity exact ammount as prescribe by DR C


Well-Known Member
May could even use an iv type deal where nute res. pump fills a measured "bowl" and pressure of it being full could shut off pump and then the nutes just run down to water res with gravity exact ammount as prescribe by DR C

ok you're freaking me out... if you know me pm me so we can chat... if not... never mind.

What style of growing are you looking at doing this with? I am thinking hydro, cause that's all I've ever done, and to me it's riddled with problems you would have to overcome. in soil.. maybe different?
ok you're freaking me out... if you know me pm me so we can chat... if not... never mind.

What style of growing are you looking at doing this with? I am thinking hydro, cause that's all I've ever done, and to me it's riddled with problems you would have to overcome. in soil.. maybe different?
No need to be alarmed my friend im just fukn around. I dont think you understand me correctly this is an outdoor drone controlled wirelessly lol its not likely to have a hydro set up in a random spot in the woods. it may be possible but we not tryin to break records here with size, growth speed, or thc levels just some pure sensimillia in a random location in the woods and hey even if it does get busted they would take the robot and not the long haired one operating it how could they??? anyway I only have like $15+$20+$30+approx 20-40 more so=around a $100... I could make that back in one quarter... i think its well worth the risk... oh and idk you but i have posted once before 2 years ago I got a lil knowledge on my side now hence DR C lol just me bein stupid but i wont pm you because idk if i know you or not to be honest.


Well-Known Member
You are trying to build an "outdoor" robot consisting of a laptop computer.. and spare parts.. what happens when it rains once?
man do you live in the 1800's lol we make a shit load of water proof shit its goings to be built right complete welded coated and sealed inside and out with a exhaust vent for cooling just have a little faith... I need some type of wheels i want tank tracks but maybe wheels with suspension either way it would suck to get stuck out in the woods so must be able to crawl over rocks and small logs n shit or maybe someone here know hows to build an arm that can cut and grab things maybe have the plants potted in a hole in a way the bot can pull the pot out of the hole and move it if necessary idk not a big deal if the spot gets enough sun
keep it comin I know you guys have creativity and there is bound to be someone with some expertise in some part of this project... engineers or electrician or maybe a programmer hell if someone know to remote connect my msi gt780 (win 7 home) to my old laptop in the bot (xp home) I have heard its not possible with ms remote connect but ive never used it only logmein.com
keep it comin I know you guys have creativity and there is bound to be someone with some expertise in some part of this project... engineers or electrician or maybe a programmer hell if someone knows how to remote connect my msi gt780 (win 7 home) to my old laptop in the bot (xp home) I have heard its not possible with ms remote connect but ive never used it only logmein.com glad to hear alotapot :)