unrooted clones on 18/6?


Active Member
do they need 24/0 or is 18/6 ok for FRESH cut off the plant ...in rooting hormone then rockwool under a 24 inch 40w florescent, ive tried cloning shit in my backyard and they get droopy and died, im paranoid of that... those flower plants i fail-cloned were already bloomed though, not sure if that mattered :D ...first cuts from my cannabis plant dont want them to die


theres too many reasons why they could have failed outside mon.
Also when it comes to cannabis dont take clones any later then 2 weeks in flower because the plants will want to continue flowering and not throw roots. Yes theres always exceptions, but i personally dont take clones off a plant in flower period.

18/6 is fine tho i use/prefer 24/0.

Maybe a dome would help you also dude if your not already using one, much easier to get cloning when learning if you use a dome, give them a spritz and keep humidity up



Active Member
can you show me the SMALLEST possible cuts i can make? trying to take mini clones off my plant dunno if they will survive!


round something the length of your pinky is fine tho i take large clones in excess of 10-15 cms.

you can take them tiny if you want but common sense would say that too small is no good, ya dig


Active Member
What kind of rooting hormone you using?? Power, Gel?? Here are my first clones ever "if u cant tell"... Still alive!!! I used rooteck cloning gel and rock wool!!! They are also under a 40watt florescent light,,, Also i heard try not to cut where it,s red b/c it's already under stress!!! Too much stress can cause bad genetics!!! dont want that..Clone off the bottom if possable,,,

One of them is the top of the Phantom Plant, the two others in the red cup are from the bottom of my buddys La OG... After the first 45min the top of the Phantom didnt look good at all,,I misted it... came back 3 hours later and it seems to be lookin good...



Active Member
Personally I would put those clones under 24/0 for one this helps kick them back to veg if they mom was in flower, also you want pure veg and want that clone to do everything it can to sprout roots. Also you need to keep that rock wool very moist for root generation. I use a small self made bubble cloner, that I made out of a small rubbermaid, itsl ike 4" tall and big enough for 6 2" neoprene inserts, and 1 large cheap air pump and 2 large air stones. I then take the clone, skin the last inch of the stem with a couple small vertical cuts with razor blade, dip in the cloning gel (I prefer gel) place those in the inserts with the stem sticking about 1-1.5 inches in the the tank but above the water line and let them go, once I see some good root growth I plant them in rockwool and go from there!

I made my own version of a bubble cloner for about $25, most expensive item was a the air pump.