Update on my girl, have a few Questions


Active Member
View attachment 2347102View attachment 2347104View attachment 2347107I'm seeing more preflowers in the upper 3 nodes. The center of the plant continues to grow small but healthy looking leaves bunched up along the stalk. Isn't this where the buds grow? I don't see any preflower down there. Should I top the plant? I don't know anything about that I've left it alone and let it grow up to this point no trimming. What kind of nutes? I'm 2 weeks into flowering and I'm using nothing.


Well-Known Member
i personally would not top two weeks into flower i top mine 1/2 weeks into veg, If i were you i would buy some nutes and then just let time do its thing. organic canna floures is good for soil plants in flower.


Active Member
Thanks Ya I don't think I'm going to go cutting into it now lol. I think I'm going to try tiger bloom


Well-Known Member
Tiger Bloom is some good nutes for soil. I've used it with good success. Don't top in flower. That is a veg technique. If you must do something because you've run out of vertical supercropping should be find.


Well-Known Member
Plants double sometimes triple in size when in flower just something to remember