Update on plants, lost 1, question


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, i know my threads always get to page 8 in an hour (most active forum ive been on!) but i figured i'd post a little update. Lost one plant but i figured i would, it was twisting as it grew for some reason, wish i got a pic, the leaves were spiral. If anyone knows what would cause that i'd appreciate an answer. The other 2 are growing strong. They are bag seed, one mostly sativa, other mostly indica (from the leaf shape) This is my first grow in my new house so i'll be flowing them asap just for some results and personal satisfaction lol. Last pic is a sick mylar bag i picked up for free at work. Its my little seedling starting bag! Post any Questions, Comments, Concerns!

both.jpg Sat 1.jpg sat 2.jpg sat top.jpg Ind 1.jpg ind 2.jpg ind top.jpg mylar bag.jpg

farm dawg

I wouldn't trip on that. There are always casulties when growing pot.The spiraling was most likely caused by the plant trying to find the light source. Survival of the fittest. It's the stronger plants that you want anyways. I VEG my plants indoor for at least a month before I star budding them.


Well-Known Member
yea, i wasnt really upset about losing it, more so curious why it was bending and twisting in fun little shapes lol. idk if it was from light tho cause i have 2 100w cfls and a 75w hps, and the space they're in is wraped in foil (well done foil, no folds believe it or not). But whatever, Its coming to a month in a bout a week so, we'll see the sexes and hope for the best!