New Age United

Well-Known Member
Good fights, I love how the commentators detail every aspect of the fight, "he's been working on his upper body strength" LMAO. It's such a part of hockey that you can't refute it.

New Age United

Well-Known Member
Love how the refs just let it go, but seriously I saw this one fight like 5 or 6 years ago, and I was trying to find it, and I've seen similar fights, when the boys just both beat the living hell out of each other, literally just heads bouncing off each others fists, I don't even know how they keep the awareness to keep on fighting but there tough as nails.


Active Member
from personal experience on the ice in the same fighting situation where we drop the gloves, my hearts pounding so hard i cant feel pain for 10 minutes after, and usually most of my blood was on my hand from punching a stupid helmet ''DUMB'' lol, but it is 100% part of the game especially in the NHL, and now its used as part of the ''pump up the teams'' theory, IT WORKS, they get reved up big time!!!! the first one was last weekend at a MN wild game that we happened to catch on tape, and then the actual tv footage to see it all, but its very emotional being in the situation, its not like the people chearing you on when fistss are in your face and your nose is bloody with a split head and bloody knuckles, BUT when you go to the locker room its a big laugh and 9 out of 10 times theres no grudge on the fighters, but usually consistant matches during the season LOL!!!!!
Love how the refs just let it go, but seriously I saw this one fight like 5 or 6 years ago, and I was trying to find it, and I've seen similar fights, when the boys just both beat the living hell out of each other, literally just heads bouncing off each others fists, I don't even know how they keep the awareness to keep on fighting but there tough as nails.


Active Member
i been knocked out cold laying center ice after laying on quite a beating to this one guy, i usta hit him 10 good face nose cheek jaw shots, he got me 2 good ones, i got one more, knocked him ALMOST down he upper cut me sideways in the jaw, OUT!!!!! even though i kicked the shit out of im and he was full of blood i had NONE, he won i was out cold for over a minute shaking, not my proud fighting moment, but theres way more wins that ive had than loses, i was never a goon on the ice, only in the ring BUT people who knew that, always tried to fuck with me, and im not big at all, 5'10'' 175, so i always need to be good on my feet and not be over powered!!!!! FAST FISTS!!!!!
Love how the refs just let it go, but seriously I saw this one fight like 5 or 6 years ago, and I was trying to find it, and I've seen similar fights, when the boys just both beat the living hell out of each other, literally just heads bouncing off each others fists, I don't even know how they keep the awareness to keep on fighting but there tough as nails.


Well-Known Member
saw scott thornton get his ass handed to him a week or two ago but good ole scotty got up brushed off his pants and smiled a bloddy smile! man oh man i LOVE hockey! You guys ever see scott stevens level eric lindros? Saw that game live my brothers!

New Age United

Well-Known Member
I can only imagine what it must be like, all that momentum, I've been in a few bar fights but nothing that emotional, on the ice I can only imagine, I can't skate that well and I hear that is a big part of it, some guys can fight better on the ice than they can on solid ground. Still though you gotta be tough if you play hockey no matter what, you get caught with your head down you're gonna get rocked.


Active Member
I have!!!!! im a hockey nut, and a hockey fight nut, its the best most aggresive fighting, spontanious most of the time, although i love UFC ad boxing, none of them compare to the exploding fists of HOCKEY, there way more into a fight than a pro fighter, a hockey fighter could clean up pro fighter by pure physical endurance, ive done both and hockey is 5 times the work and hurts more in the end, being slammed into the boards for half a year straight, fight 2-3 time a month that last 1-10 minutes, hockey is the most under rated sport underpaid, then we got fuckin football (NFL) thats 16 games a year and way overpaid not nearly the skill!!!!
saw scott thornton get his ass handed to him a week or two ago but good ole scotty got up brushed off his pants and smiled a bloddy smile! man oh man i LOVE hockey! You guys ever see scott stevens level eric lindros? Saw that game live my brothers!


Active Member
check some derek boogaard from the wild and the rangers, GOON can kill people, i watched him fight after a game in the parking lot next to the bus with a fan, to say the least, there was an ambulance and boogaard was in cuffs for a bit, but watch his fights!!!!!
saw scott thornton get his ass handed to him a week or two ago but good ole scotty got up brushed off his pants and smiled a bloddy smile! man oh man i LOVE hockey! You guys ever see scott stevens level eric lindros? Saw that game live my brothers!


Active Member
R.I.P. Derek Boogaard, the ultimate hockey goon of the last decade IMO, he ran a fighting school on his off season
check some derek boogaard from the wild and the rangers, GOON can kill people, i watched him fight after a game in the parking lot next to the bus with a fan, to say the least, there was an ambulance and boogaard was in cuffs for a bit, but watch his fights!!!!!


Active Member
saw scott thornton get his ass handed to him a week or two ago but good ole scotty got up brushed off his pants and smiled a bloddy smile! man oh man i LOVE hockey! You guys ever see scott stevens level eric lindros? Saw that game live my brothers!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mtl8cSqVwX0this is most deffinately the one your talkingabout, and john scott s a fuckin killer man, damn i feel bad for thornton in this one!!!!!