

Active Member
Started back in late Apr. One bagseed GDP , one Herbie's Lemon kush (both in 3 gallon smart /geo pots) 2 free Kerala x skunk. This is all personal medical. I wasn't going for a big yield. This is my first ever , ever grow. I'm 36 yrs old. City boy. So its pretty nice for my standards.

I'm setting out for quality first. Then , yield then indoor. But I'm pretty happy. For all the experienced forum members : if everything goes as it has oz at least from each plant ? Except the seedling. Hoping for an 4.0 g . :cool:

Earthjuice (3 birds recipe) started aeration on it.
FFof soil
Geopot and smart pot , one 3 liter pot and one 1/2 gallon pot. All sunlight. LST , fim and topped. Any other info just ask.

Keep it green and keenkeen



Active Member
Any plans on putting them in the ground or in bigger pots?
No. I know I'm just hurting my yield. Maybe the one in the 3 liter I will transplant. I wanted to keep them small. My wife was a little sketchy to the idea of me growing. Wanted to keep it small this first time. Plus it will help me come harvest. Don't want to be overwhelmed.


Well-Known Member
Looking at the structure, stature and healthy nature of those plants. I would anticipate that you are setting your sights a little low. They appear to be ~60cm right now and they should gain about half that again during "stretch" (which should be happening now or any time now).

I'll throw out a guess of 3oz+ per plant. I feel that is being conservative. As a first timer last year my girl was in that size range about this time, she finished at 1.2m and yielded 6oz (I lost 2oz to mould so 8oz total). She was finished in a shallow 3gal pot.

August 02(beginning of stretch)Aug2.jpg
August 28 (finished stretch and starting to fill in)Aug28.jpg
September 23 (a week before harvest)Sept23.jpg


Well-Known Member
Any tips to the stretch time ? Should I do anything different ?
Keep the girls watered and fed (veg nutes). I use a feed, water, water, feed... regime. During the stretch you'll notice daily growth, keep an eye out for Mg deficiencies (last year had this issue and this year it's starting again) Epsom salts (1tsp /gallon) every 3rd watering fixed my issue.

Keep an eye on height, my girl doubled and this year I'm anticipating a similar result :(


Undercover Mod
Keep the girls watered and fed (veg nutes). I use a feed, water, water, feed... regime. During the stretch you'll notice daily growth, keep an eye out for Mg deficiencies (last year had this issue and this year it's starting again) Epsom salts (1tsp /gallon) every 3rd watering fixed my issue.

Keep an eye on height, my girl doubled and this year I'm anticipating a similar result :(
Cal Mag works better