

Active Member
hey, so i started my 1st grow with cfls and it was just 1 plant now I'm starting a bigger grow. I'm growing some carmelo seeds from attitude. i've got:
a secret jardin 2X4 tent
600W dimmable super lumen lumatek ballast.

If thats too much of a wattage for the space please let me know. I'm looking for a hood and was wondering if anyone can help with a suggestion from this page :


i want it to be air cooled so it would make a better grow environment for my plants.

im also looking into getting this fan:


please let me know what you guys think. show a n00b some love.


Well-Known Member
as long as youve got good air flow they should turn out great? how tall is the tent as well, you might have to train them to stay low or do a scrog.