Upside-Down Aeroponic Cabinet...Design in progress!


Active Member
You know something? Fuck it, I'll do it. I found his thread, and it was pretty interesting. I see he's still waiting on results, but from what I can see, the plants appear to be doing just as well as their gravity-correct counterparts. In addition, I've seen anecdotal evidence in some other threads where people claim that it increased their yields. I think this warrants an experiment. And like I said, if it doesn't work out, I'll just switch the setup around.
that was my impression as well. i was pretty blown away by the looks of em really. i appreciate the fact that you are willing to do the legwork on this project, I have a feeling that regardless of your results they will be beneficial for future growers. certainly a style i'd like to see explored. thanks again for takin the plunge, cant wait to see how it turns out.



Well-Known Member
I don't know how open to suggestion you are but I would do it with a cooltube instead and have it a circle scrog with a cooltube in the middle, upside down plants scrogged on top and right side up plants scrogged on the bottom. No matter what you'll get a harvest from it and that would be the best use of the space. It would be like a rotary garden that just doesn't move.

Just an idea...


Well-Known Member
I don't know how open to suggestion you are but I would do it with a cooltube instead and have it a circle scrog with a cooltube in the middle, upside down plants scrogged on top and right side up plants scrogged on the bottom. No matter what you'll get a harvest from it and that would be the best use of the space. It would be like a rotary garden that just doesn't move.

Just an idea...
Hmm...that puts me to thinking...


Well-Known Member
Interesting also scribed.
Just wanted to let everyone that's following this know that I have not abandoned the idea, I've just taken some time to concentrate on some other stuff I have going on currently. Speaking of, I've been researching where and what LED grow lights to buy, since I've pretty much decided to go with LEDs. This is what I came up with. There is a link to the supplier on the second page, post 14 I believe, if you want to take a look. I'm trying to organize a group buy for them, so check it out.


Well-Known Member
From what I have learned the grow lights with the 1W bulbs have a high rate of failure. The technology is in the 5w and 6w bulbs.

The 6W automotive rated bulbs sound like the best there are. Like this
I hate to say it, but that's another one of those products that just won't cut it. Judging by the Spectral Power graph on their FAQ's page, their lights may do well for vegetative growth but would be lacking in the flowering department. Also, if you read through their FAQ's, some of the answers they give are just uneducated. This company simply is pandering to the masses, trying to pawn their product off as being everything that is needed.

As far as the automotive bulbs in general, you are correct. They are longer-lasting, higher output, etc. Their only problem is the spectrum that they encompass. They just don't produce many >5W LEDs at the moment that have the 660nm and 455nm spectra required. I have located a few in my searches, but the 10W ones I have found cost upwards of $30 EACH! That equates to over $300 for what would only be a 100W light. Now when the prices of THESE go down, then you'll really see LED growing start to take off.


Well-Known Member
Captain thanks for the info on the LED. It seems like most of the people that know their stuff say stay clear of LED for a bit longer.


Well-Known Member
Looks like my setup~
For now, I'm going to put this thread on the back-burner. If you would to know why, please read this post. In short, it pretty much tells about the comparison setup I plan to do, and once I have successfully completed the experiment, I'll revert back to this one. My main goal is to do comparison grows until I determine the perfect balance of everything, one thing at a time. If I do everything at once, and the results aren't what I'm expecting, I'll pretty much be helpless in trying to figure out which aspect of the grow were the negatively contributing factors.

So really, I guess this is the order of stuff you can expect:

1. Compare LED to HID lighting, equal wattage
2. Compare LED to HID lighting, higher HID wattage (Assuming that the LEDs do as well or better than HID in Experiment #1)
3. Compare supplemental UV-B bulbs to no supplemental lighting (Once I've determined the ideal primary lighting setup)
4. Compare gravity-correct to inverted growing position (Once ideal primary and secondary lighting conditions have been observed)
5. Somewhere along the way, I'll be comparing Fog-ponics to DWC, and potentially to soil as well.
6. More experiments to come as I narrow down the best options for my grow


Well-Known Member
Sounds expensive and very likely to crap out on you. Read this thread awhile back and I don't remember if you do, but I hope you have a proven strategy you are using at your old faithful.


Well-Known Member
Sounds expensive and very likely to crap out on you. Read this thread awhile back and I don't remember if you do, but I hope you have a proven strategy you are using at your old faithful.
Hey, all I have to say is it's all about the science to me. There are enough people out there that are interested in using various growing methods, that honestly haven't been presented with a side-by-side comparison of identical clones grown using different methods. And no, doing one grow following another to compare them is really not controlling the experiment. In order for the environments to remain identical, the experiments must be performed at the same time, and all aspects measured in exactly the same way.

Think about it. That's the main reason that so many needless arguments happen on this forum. Often, a great deal of the information people post is strictly anecdotal. There is no corroborating evidence to support many of the claims that people often make. To quote Limp Bizkit, "'s all about the he-said / she-said bull-shit..." Now, should the LED grow not equal or out-pace the MH/HPS grow, I will be the first to admit that the LEDs I plan to use are not a viable option at this time. But unless someone does a watt-for-watt LED/HID comparison grow, no one will really have any idea of the relative benefits/disadvantages to both.

My goal is to provide unbiased objective evidence over the course of several grows. All of my experiments will be highly documented, as well as excruciatingly controlled. I want to determine, for myself and others, what the benefits and disadvantages are for various growing methods, without using any anecdotal evidence.


Well-Known Member
Cool I am staying subscribed for sure. :)
Good deal, man, glad to see I didn't put you off with my last post. But honestly, I'm tired of all the bullshit answers people give on both ends of the spectrum (no pun intended). HID fan-boys go back and forth with the LED fan-boys, and they go back and forth with the CFL fan-boys. I just happen to think it's time that someone sets the records straight, with some unbiased tests. And since we're on the topic, I want to point out that I will not be using CFL for anything but supplemental lighting, and only during my 5th or 6th grow. There are enough people and threads out there that deal with grows conducted with CFL lights -- I don't need to add one more.

The thing is, so many people on this forum are concerned with getting the biggest yield with the best quality possible on their first or second grow. This just isn't going to happen (unless you get really lucky and conditions are IDEAL). It's all about trial and error -- That's why my ideal grow won't end up happening for a good 5-6, or potentially even more, grows. Of this I am 100% positive. Basically what I'm doing is isolating each variable to determine its individual benefits to growing.

EDIT: I know that someone reading this is probably going to say, well, they already have a YouTube video that shows side-by-side comparisons between LED and HPS. But the problem (and I say that tenderly) is that the HPS they are using is a 400W, compared to single and double 630nm, and single 660nm 90W UFOs. This experiment is fine for testing the comparison claims that manufacturers make, but it's not a good test of the actual capabilities. Again, watt-for-watt is the way to perform these types of experiments. That way, someone can't say, "well, hey, of course the HPS is going to produce more, it has 310 more watts!" Just something to think about.


Well-Known Member
how do i subcribe to this grow, im very interested in following this grow and i hope you follow threw with it. its not the first time ppl thought of growing up side down. UPSY TURVY for tomato plants, wich are the closest plants to marijuana plants. let me know how i can follow


Well-Known Member
how do i subcribe to this grow, im very interested in following this grow and i hope you follow threw with it. its not the first time ppl thought of growing up side down. UPSY TURVY for tomato plants, wich are the closest plants to marijuana plants. let me know how i can follow
To subscribe, there is a button at the top of the page, called "Thread Tools." Just hit Ctrl+F and search that phrase. Click on it, and it opens a small drop-down menu, which has a button that allows you to subscribe.

As far as this grow goes, it will be a while in the making. I'm going to pursue a few other avenues first, before jumping to the inverted grow. The reason for this is, I want to have the best results possible before I start the inverted grow...that way, I know that there are no other factors contributing to the success or failure of this variable. At that point, it will simply be, which is better, right-side up or upside-down? See what I mean?


Well-Known Member
Sorry at work had to read and reply fast.

You didn't put me off I do know what you mean about being tired about all the back and forth a final answer by someone like you is needed. Just afraid of the expense.

You can go into your settings here on RIU and set it to subscribe you to any thread you reply to. It is confusing just choose the no email notify one, that is the one to just subscribe you. Then use "My Rollitup"


Well-Known Member
Sorry at work had to read and reply fast.

You didn't put me off I do know what you mean about being tired about all the back and forth a final answer by someone like you is needed. Just afraid of the expense.

You can go into your settings here on RIU and set it to subscribe you to any thread you reply to. It is confusing just choose the no email notify one, that is the one to just subscribe you. Then use "My Rollitup"
I'm prepared at this point to put up the money for the comparison grows. Let's just say my tax return this year should be pretty healthy. While I haven't been able to grow yet, I have been doing research for about the last 7 years, just waiting for my chance to jump into the scene. The only reason I don't have 20-30 grows under my belt is because my living situation has always prevented me from growing. Now, I live on my own (soon to be with the girlfriend), and since she doesn't care and I have my own place, it's time. :D

EDIT: And just thinking about the cost logistics, if something ends up not working out, I'll gladly sell it on eBay or Craigslist. I'm currently estimating the cost in the $1800 - $2000 range.


I have to agree with the rest. I am very interested is seeing how this turns out. I have seen this work for tomatoes.