Urgent Help Please Broken Stem


Ok this is my first grow, i started in the middle of spring and have been growing all summer, started out with 6 plants but due to complications ended up with only one, this was ok by me since it was by far the biggest healthiest plant i had, it was growing more up than out but i didnt really mind since it was my first time, ive been making preparations to start flowering and didnt like how the plant was leaning to the side, i was trying to lightly put pressure on it to straighten it out when the stem snapped, i was startled when this happened and managed to break the stem right off in the middle, i was flipping out not thinking and cut it at an angle and put it in water until i could figure out what to do, currently im taking a long shot and trying to root it with rooting hormone, should i continue to try that or should i attempt to graft it back on to the rooted plant it broke off of?????


Well-Known Member
If you have completely cut it from the plant, then your only option is to clone it. If it was broke in half you could of taped it together and it would of slowly recovered/\


Well-Known Member
Ya cloning is about it...
But hay then ya got a couple of them...
An hay cloning is easy so dont worry...



thanks , i was just curious cus i read some things about grafting two different strains together and even different types of plants and was wondering if it could work, i'll post if the broke off half roots or not, im not religious or anything but prayers would be appreciated the top half was doing better than the bottom :\ at least before it broke off lol


i took two clippings from the broken half for clones and made this little tent to put em in for moisture, am i doin anything wrong?IMGA0094.jpgIMGA0093.jpgIMGA0095.jpg