Urine Bud!


Active Member
I have been told that pissing in the rez will give em quite a twang. Been pissing in mine now for a month. The smell is awesome.. Like a lemon haze. Plants are growing like mad indians on a buffalo with fire water .


Interesting. If they are doing fine and flourishing, then keep doing what you're doing. But my thoughts would be that the uric acid in your urine would cause a significant drop in your overall soil pH, affecting your nutrient availability.


Active Member
Interesting. If they are doing fine and flourishing, then keep doing what you're doing. But my thoughts would be that the uric acid in your urine would cause a significant drop in your overall soil pH, affecting your nutrient availability.

pretty sure hes not growin in soil..... i have heard of this before. never heard of anyone actually showing their results though


Active Member
I read a while ago on this site of some guy who's woman found his stash and threw it out in the trash, the bloke retrieved it claiming it to smell of cats piss lol maybe he used the same method lol,This is something i would not try why would you want to taint your lovely weed with your stinking yellow piss must be an acquired taste lol


Well-Known Member
yea thats just a lil bit gross. It sounds like an idea from Bear Grylls. Ive heard of it and dont see why it would be bad but i never thought anyone would really do it.


Well-Known Member
dude dont piss in ur rez what r u thinkin man crauzuest shit ive ever heard and bro its ur piss comon would ya drink it? cuz ur gonna be smokin the shit out of it lol call that shit piz weed haha jus bustin ur balls if it truley does work smoke report im interested in the outcome of this


Active Member
haha ive done it on soil with awesome results but very little mixed with the water and very rarely. seems to have pretty damn good effects look at mine they got 1 golden shower and seem to be doin awesome. but hydro on the otherhand i dunno about that dude you need to replace the water and start flushing that piss out of your plants lol


Well-Known Member
thats crazy. youve been lucky you didnt kill em. dont forget if piss was any good our bodies wouldnt be tossin it out with the cucka. our bodies would use it. the only thing that could be helping is the nitrogen in your piss......but thats like eating a log of shit to get to the peanuts my man. just go buy some peanuts you know what im sayin?


Well-Known Member
in soil in moderations(i only drink water/tea/beer,no sodas or softdrinks)it works wonders theres alot of go0d trace elements in ure piss.,.,but results owould vary person to person because of diet.,.,some are betr fert makers thatn others .,.,i could bottle and sell mine.,.,i basically only eat white meats(fish/chicken)and eat fruit and vegies al day.,.,but to each his own i wouldnt do that in hydro doesnt seem sanitary,.,could prob cause more problems in the future than anything


Well-Known Member
Dude, this is fucking stupid and most likely has no correlationt o any of your success.
The urine has to breakdown to be of any real use...Pissing straight into ur reservoir or plants or whatever is dangerous because the piss can contain some harmful bacteria that is bad for plant...not too mention the PH of urine fucking up the ph of the grow.


High Time 420

Well-Known Member
Im sure it's an old tale, urine contains lots and lots of N and they say you can use it as fert but i'l just stick to my normal stuff.


Active Member
if you let piss sit in a bucket it turns into amonia. that shit will kill you, i would rather water my plants with a mix of peanut butter, opium and koolaid


Well-Known Member
I've used my own urine as an organic food source for years. I never pay good money for a free nitrogen food source, and that includes hydro. Most commercial fertilizers use livestock urine as a primary source of Nitrogen.

The reason the plants smell wonderful is because urine is an organic food source, filled with lots of both macro and micro nutrients. But urine feeds bacteria, an advantage of organics, so ya need to have the right dilution, plenty of aeration in the water and ideal temperatures.


Active Member
I drank to much last night so I could get the squirts and take a wet shit in my plants rez. Just pooed out all this organic juice into my rez and wow the plants are now actually speaking to me.. LOL. This was a joke my fine pickeled pot headed friends. I would never ever do such a stupid thing. But as you can see there are plenty of idiots out there who think maybe. One more thing the faggot piece of shit that started the add weight with glass to buds should be hunted down and shot. I will donate a bullet... I did piss on my girl friend once and she seemed to like it. Maybe I should skin a snake and piss in the skin to save for drinking when I am thirsty... What would a taco do??:finger:that is funny. :lol::lol::lol::lol::finger::finger::finger:
thats crazy. youve been lucky you didnt kill em. dont forget if piss was any good our bodies wouldnt be tossin it out with the cucka. our bodies would use it. the only thing that could be helping is the nitrogen in your piss......but thats like eating a log of shit to get to the peanuts my man. just go buy some peanuts you know what im sayin?


Well-Known Member
thats just wrong... Piss is acidic. you better buffer your nutes and balance that PH before you have some serious problems... not to mention the salts and toxins in urine. Shew. i'd kill someone for sellin me weed that was grown with piss.